The end result of a hard hour playing in the snow..................

The view from my bedroom window.....................

Hubby and boys and our next door neighbours all having fun this morning in the back yard!!

As you can tell, I'm indoors doing this post, LOL!!

Maybe I'll be brave and go out later, as there is NO SCHOOL OR WORK TODAY-YAAY!!!!!!
I'm snowed in too! Might take photos later.. no work for me!
Hi ladies who Lunch-its a fabulous feeling, LOL!!
I've posted my snow pics now too - we've got loads more than you in Surrey!!
Hi kate-well, we've plenty to keep the kids going for a while, fingers crossed it'll carry on for tomorrow, I'd love another day off, LOL!
I love the snowman! I've been sent home from work today. We have loads of snow here in Yorkshire, and its started to snow again now. Have a fab day off! x
Hi Em-keep warm and have a fab day off too!
Wow, Sharon! You're so lucky! Here it has snowed a bit, but almost all the snow is already gone.
You HAVE to go out and enjoy the snow!!!
I have today and tomorrow off school too! Why do you have the days off work? Is there any holiday?
Hi Cate-the schools are closed and as I work as a catering assistant in a school, thats why I'm off too!
happy holidays
i made it snow.
That's way too much snow for my taste!
I braved out! Went to Hyde Park and it was amazing!!
Come and check it out some pics!
See ya. Brrrrrr
Hi the secret diaries-thanks for stopping by!
Hi Wendy-LOL, unfortunately, London and Essex just cannot cope-everything came to a standstill-I'm pleased I'm indoors!
Hi Eri-good on you, I'll be over to check them out!
Hurrah! Glad to see you and yours are taking full advantage of the snowy weather.
That is one well dressed snowman!
Looks like so much fun! I love the fact that all the neighbours can play in that area behind your gardens!
Gah I had work :( I hope you managed to make it outside to have fun while the snow lasts ;)
i love all these, and lucky you, no work! i wish we'd get snow days here, but alas, just for students.
Wow, snowed in, I haven't seen snow in years. It looks so beautiful in the photos. Like a Winter Wonderland.
Ahhh, I've never had so many texts or emails from friends all over the country about snow than today haha! We all get so excited.
I made a snowman too, yay!
beautiful but cold, i am imagining. keep warm and dry.
Amazing pictures.
Snow is sooooo beautiful, though can also be so annoying...
Take care dear
you are so incredibly lucky!! :)
La C.
I heard it was the most snow you've had in YEARS!
Haha, well it's nice to see you guys having fun there, but for a second imagine this weather everyday, plus you have to go to work/ school and etc. NOT FUN! That's exactly the lifestyle here in TO. lol... i"m so sick of the snowy weather :(
In the future i'm sure to live in a warm place!
U are so lucky! :) Yesterday, I saw in the television - it's snowing in London. I remembered you. (of course, other English bloggers) ;)Amazing! It's raining here. :(
xoxo and Enjoy it: Janet
I always thought that snow on rooftops are very beautiful!
Hi there-thanks for all your wonderful comments, we haven't had snow like this for years, so for the kids its been a lot of fun-I stayed indoors and kept warm, I had my blogging to keep up with of course, LOL!
the snow looks like so much fun :)
Hi Sharon ,
Thanks fo ryou comment... yeah, beautiful yesterday and slushy today...see you soon. x
Hi giggleness-it was for the kids, LOL!
Hi Eri-most welcome!
You're so lucky! We haven't so much snow this winter (as always in North Germany...).
Hi Ivoreece-Yes it was fun, thanks!
Lucky you! I have not seen this much snow since my time in S. Korea decades ago. We certainly are not blessed to experienced the white fluffy stuff here in the southern states of the U.S. LOL. So, enjoy the snow!
Hi Truly Tina-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!
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