
Sonia Rykiel-Interview

The very talented and stylish designer, Sonia Rykiel, has recently been awarded the Légion d’honneur for her 40 years of service to French fashion. She is mainly known for her love of rainbow stripes and knitwear and I'm pleased to have thrifted one of her gorgeous pieces for only £2.49 from Help The Aged charity shop last year.

To find out more about the Grande Dame of French style and fashion click here to read Celia Walden of the Telegraphs interview with the lady herself. Its a great read and an insight about what inspires and motivates her-hope you enjoy it!!


www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose,

This top is so much superb. I saw on LaMimi's blog already. :) I will read the interwiew of course. I have a Sonia Rykiel summer bag. I adore it.

Have a great day: Janet

Annisa NF said...

hi there. just stopping by ;-)

nice blog anyway. visit mine. lol.


WendyB said...

I'm fascinated by Sonia's hair!

Angela said...

I love your top and I think Sonia is the very very talented.

Anonymous said...

I love Sonia... and I envy you for getting one of her pieces for such a prize :).

Unknown said...

That top is s-t-u-n-n-i-n-g!! Wow!

Anonymous said...

Your thrifting karma just blows me away, lady.

Winnie said...

Wow. Love Sonia Rykiel and adore your new thrifted jumper!!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

i had never heard about her till now, thanks for teaching me another new fashion tidbit!

Emy Augustus said...

I've never heard of her, but judging by your sweater, i like her designs!

Eri said...

Very nice! I like your Sass and bide too! I know where to thrift, don't you?

Couture Carrie said...

Cute top!


Make Do Style said...

She is bonkers though isn't she! I love her bags in Fenwicks.

Gigi said...

Thanks for the info. I always look forward to your blogs. The sweater looks quite nice on you by the way!

Gigi said...

Thanks for the info. I always look forward to your blogs, so informative. The sweater looks quite nice on you by the way!

ellie said...

Oh..what a cool top. Thanks much for the note. I do appreciate it.

Unknown said...

Oooh, jealous! I've wanted a Sonia Rykiel piece for ages, that's a fab jumper and looks perfect on you!

Shes Dressing Up said...

How do you find such great bargains?!

jess said...

I love your sweater.I'll check out the interview

Anonymous said...

Oh I love Sonia Rykiel! I must read this interview!

X said...

you're in "10 LOOK" you want to spend it and I said.
Remember that you can apply for change of look, even send a picture with the look that you think is better, but ensures that the picture is an acceptable resolution.
And take the award proves that your participation in "LOOK 1O.
YOU ARE IN: http://look10.blogspot.com/2009/02/sharon-rose-vintage-fashion-me.html

And if you want to post a comment in your post:
making any comment on the look represented.

You can also apply for low LOOK 10
pick your AWARD, which is to the left of your post, indicating that the medals are named "Nominated"

Vicen greetings.

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks to you all for your fabulous comments and hope you enjoyed reading up on Ms Rykiel too!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm also a fan of Ms.Rykiel. I will definitely read the interview. Thank you so much for sharing...

Jules said...

Hi friend,
You look fab on your outfit.=)
Nice post.

Anonymous said...

What bargains you find.. I bought a Sonia top from one of her boutiques in Paris many years ago.. it was in the sale but still pricey. I think my sister "borrowed" it and I never saw it again!

the healthy ghost said...

Love the top

Sharon said...

Thanks so much for the lovely comments everyone!

Anonymous said...

I love the whole ensemble! You look hip, French even!

Sharon said...

Hi karen-so kind, thanks!!


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