
Summer 2009, You can't come quick enough!

Summer 2008......................

Spent in our local park having a picnic for two-New Look white summer dress, £2 Collier Row boot sale, Chanel bag, Always Authentic

Just the two of us, going to Cafe Rouge at St Katherines Dock and a walk around Tower Bridge- Gianni Versace dress, £10 Mrs Stings Designer Sale


www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon,

You are so pretty and your Chanel bag: WOW! I adore it! :)

xoxo and hug: Janet

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Sharon you look so lovely in those photos. I am coveting that orange Chanel bag ( I think it's orange, right? ). It's such an excellent bag to have, it goes with absolutely everything:)

Make Do Style said...

Agh!! Yes bring on the summer!! you are selling it to me big style...

Marian said...

darling these lovely pics of you have got me craving for a slice of summer!!! how has it been up in Essex? over here its been a little crazy and now itsd all turned to ice.
love the Gianni Versace dress.
muah x

Rocío Lafuente said...

Nice photos. You look gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Sigh. I LONG for summer!

Sharon said...

Hi Janettaylor-thanks a lot my dear, so kind!

Hi LaMimi-Thanks a lot, it is a red bag, but not a lipstick red, more of lighter red.

Hi kate-yes, it can't come quick enough, LOL!

Hi marian-thanks so much for your lovely comment, Essex is still icy, thawing out but not completely!! Hope you can get to and from work ok now!

Hi Aless and Rocio-thanks so much for your lovely comment and for stopping by!

Hi Sal-oh me too, I want it now, LOL!

WendyB said...

I remember that dress! I so hate the winter and especially this winter. It makes me want to slap all the people who spend all summer saying "Can't wait till fall!"

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-I will soo not be saying that this summer either, I will definitely be valueing my summers from now on! I can't wait for winter to come to an end-and its only February, LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Cute summer dress.

María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

You look beautiful... as always. I have got an award for you in my blog.

Couture Carrie said...

Amen, sister! Fab photos & looks!


Sharon said...

Hi la Mode is Rad-thanks so much for stopping by!

Hi tupersonalshopperviajero-thanks so much for the award my dear, so lovely of you!

Sharon said...

Hi couture carrie-oh thanks so much!!

Nancy said...

the organe chanel bag is the best. what is the color of the lining? the insides of her vintage bags or the best, the most practical and wise - give us the scoop please...

Cate said...

Hi Sharon!
That first picture is so beautiful!! I really love it! And you look really good in the second one too.
For now, I'm just enjoying winter... And then spring! ;-)

Sharon said...

Hi nancy-the interior of my chanel bag is leather lined, so the bag is completely red, thanks for your interest!

Hi cate-thanks so much my dear, I'm not wishing my life away, but I can't wait for some sun on my skin,LOL!

Anonymous said...

I love the first dress - white is a color that suits you very well!

Anny said...

You look so happy and fashionable (as always). I love the picnic outfit!!!

Sharon said...

Hi nadine and anny-thanks for your lovely comments!

Tricia said...

no kidding! love you in that white dress, how perfect for summer.

Tori said...

I'm really looking forward to the summer. i'm going on like 3 holidays and I finally turn 18 so that'll be a big celebration and it's my last summer before I go off to Uni. i cannot wait. Though I prefer the cooler weather clothes-wise cos i layer alot and this snow is brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Sharon you get the best stuff. You look relaxed and fabulous as usual!

Reena Rai said...

What's that...sun? sunshine?! I'd forgotten what it looks like! You look lovely as always :)

Seeker said...

You look beautiful in these pictures, well... gorgeous n that first one with the white dress.


Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

It will be there before you know it.

Sharon said...

Hi everybody-thanks for the lovely comments, they are always much appreciated!

Cal said...

From a snowman to a picnic...I love it! Haha. I'm very ready for spring too, glad I'm not the only one!

Sharon said...

Hi Cal-oh yes, indeedy!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful & simple is the summer dress on you! :)

Sharon said...

Hi Christine-always lovely, thanks my dear!

Cadmium said...

aren't you lovely in white! you should definitely wear more of it. the red/pink accessories show it off so well too. gorgeous!

Sharon said...

Hi Karima-thanks so much for your lovely comment!


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