
Ossie Clark-I've been meaning to..............

Ever since I started my blog and before, I've always been truly inspired by the gorgeous Wendy Brandes, who like me, is a great fan of Ossie Clark. She has some absolutely stunning pieces and since I've seen her in this and this, I've been meaning to put together my snakeskin jacket by Joseph and my Ossie Clark black maxi dress, for a seventies look.

This is an ideal going out look for me , but for a more 'daytime look', I would wear black opaque tights, high boots and a black cap sleeve polo body underneath the dress.
I often look at Wendy's stunningly gorgeous collection of Ossie Clark dresses, for anyone who hasn't had the pleasure of seeing some of his work, go swoon over at Wendy's, they are just pure eye candy!!


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

i love how you went for a seventies look, but with your strappy sandals, it's perfectly current at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Great look!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon,

Hip hip hurray Ossie Clark fans! I don't have a piece like this, but I am craving for it. Wendy and U are big inspiration for me.

Great outfit as always!

P.S.: I will show it sometime my ICON collection! I promise.

xoxo: Janet

Couture Carrie said...

I love that jacket!


Anonymous said...

Me too, that jacket is beyond fab.

Angela said...

You look fab sharon.

yiqin; said...

Great! The jacket looks very nice!

Tricia said...

gorgeous, i love the jacket!

the healthy ghost said...

Love the jacket¡

Seeker said...

What a fabulous jacket, my dear!!!!


shopinchic said...

The whole outfit is put together well! And(like everyone else here)
I j'adore the jacket.

Shes Dressing Up said...

Oooh I love this =]

WendyB said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this look on you. Fabulous combination. Oh, this year I was invited to the Ossie show but I can't go :-(

Hopefully I will be back in London in the warmer weather though, so we can visit again :-)

Anonymous said...

You look so elegant in that outfit Sharon:) and also right on the trend with the snakeskin jacket.
Happy Valentine's to you and your hubby! :)

Sharon said...

Hi everybody-thanks so much for your lovely comments, as always, they are much appreciated!

Wendy, that will be fabulous to get together again!!!

Reena Rai said...

Oh awesome outfit, very 70s! you must make ur other half take you out somewhere fabulous in this outfit

Sharon said...

Hi Fashion Dreamer-thanks my dear!

Cate said...

The 70s look really suits you, Sharon! That black and the snake skin colour really look good on you.
I enjoyed reading Wendy's posts too, and your daytime look sounds cool too!
Happy Valentine's Day!


lovely dress!

La C.

Mónica said...

you look amazing!

Make Do Style said...

You look great - you can flaunt this look anytime - just change hair or shoes and add dangly earrings!

Winnie said...

This outfit works so well! That maxi dress is great on you!

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks once again everyone!!

Vintage Dress said...

it's nice to find another vintage lover! :)


Sharon said...

Hi Vintage Dress-thanks my dear!

s.i. michaels said...

I think she's personally increased his fame by volumes. You look fantastic!

Sharon said...

Hi Ambika-thanks my dear and I agree!!


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