
Awards for you!!

Hi there!! A big thanks to Tanya at Captivate Me and Janet Taylor for the following awards, they are much appreciated and are featured on my blog as a constant reminder of the lovely bloggers who come to visit me!!!

I nominate the 'Fierce' award to:

La Mimi

Kate-Make Do Style


I nominate this 'Love' award to:

Skye-Skylark and Son

Marian-House of Style

Lenya-The Fashion Loving Stylist

The Unique and Chic award goes to:

Winnie-Diamond Canopy




Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-much deserved my dear!!

www.janetteria.com said...

Congrats and U deserve it. :)

Seeker said...

Congratulations on the awards, dear.


Sharon said...

Thanks so much ladies!!!

saray said...


Winnie said...

Wow it really is the award season for bloggers too! Congrats on the awards and thank you for awarding me too!

Siljesfashion said...

Congrats on the awards! Thank you for awarding me to!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

congrats hon!

Sam said...

Gongrats with getting those awards!

Couture Carrie said...

Congrats on all your awards, darlin!


Mónica said...

congratulations on the awardS!!! you deserve them!

Anonymous said...

Hello Sharon!
You are such a darling! Thank you for this beautiful award! I'm beyond honored :) Your comments always leave a smile on my face. Thank you!

shopinchic said...

I want to say congratulations to the bloggers who recieved awards!

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks to everyone for your lovely comments!!

Marian said...

sweetie im super honoured to receive this award! congrats to you too and you deserve them all entirely!
missed your blog honey

Sharon said...

Hi Marian-soo welcome my dear, thanks for your lovely comment too!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Sharon thank you soo much for the award and congrats on all of yours!

Sharon said...

Hi Lenya-soo welcome and thanks!!


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