
Charity Shops-Times Feature

Hi everyone!!

As you all know, I've been a fan of charity shopping and boot sales for years now and singing the praises of finding awesome bargains at them, so it was great to read the Times article on 'Charity Shop Chic', which if you click on the link, tells of Oxfams story of how they've enlisted celebrities to inspire everyone to go take a look and search for a bargain.

Carry on reading the article to find their pick of the best charity shops around the UK and in London too.

Don't forget to look at the charity shops in your local town too, they are generally a lot cheaper than the main cities and this is where you will unearth the treasures before anyone else too!


Make Do Style said...

You are right about out of town bargains - not sure I'd find what I have if it wasn't for Wimbledon Oxfam!

Seeker said...

It's a pity that here there aren't any charity shops.

Have a nice sunday, dear


Sharon said...

Hi kate-Yes, I don't really shop in charity shops in central London, they are too pricey!

Hi the seeker-thats a shame, maybe when you visit the mainland you can take a look then!

Anonymous said...

I really do like our charity shops around here. Great article.

Thanks so much for the note too.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-thanks my dear and you're welcome!

Couture Carrie said...

Will def. check it out!


Cadmium said...

thanks for sharing the article - and for always leaving an encouraging comment! oh, and lovely brooches in your last post, they definitely make an outfit more interesting. will keep an eye out for some from now on too.

Siljesfashion said...

Thanks Sharon! I added this to my favorites right away!

Mónica said...

it looks very interesting!

christina said...

Oh man! I really wish I could raid the shops of the UK for pretty lil' things!

jess said...

Great article. I have to save for when I go to london eventually.

Winnie said...

I agree you can definitely find some nice things in charity shops. There are loads by me but I am yet to find a real treasure.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for the comments, if you do plan to come to London at some point, it is worth saving the article under favourites, as it has the addresses on it!

Reena Rai said...

Thank you for this, I've been looking for a new guide as some of the old favourites have closed over the last couple of years

Sharon said...

Hi fashion dreamer-most welcome my dear!!


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