
Denim Surgery x 2

We've all had dilemmas of do we want to do skinny, bootleg, boyfriend or distressed? Of course I'm talking about styles of jeans and what to try next. Check out the Denim Surgery at Browns which shows immediately at a glance how those coveted Acne or J brand jeans will look, front posing or from the back-check it out now!!

Acne jeans

J Brand

PRPS jeans

Alternatively check out the lovely Kate of Make Do Style, who is the stylist in residence during May at the Harlequin Centre in Watford and will help with any denim dilemmas you have!


AsianCajuns said...

Oh my! I want all 3 pairs.

saray said...

it reminds me that i need some new denim asap

www.janetteria.com said...

I want the second one! :)


Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

I really need to try a pair of boyfriend jeans. Must get on to that.

ellie said...

Nice..but you know..Its really hard to find the most comfortable jeans. I'd rather be in my pj's. Yeah, I'm really out of style these days...sitting around in a tank and my comfy pj pants.

Have a wonderful weekend.

yiqin; said...

I like the rips in the last pair!

Angela said...

love the J brand.

shopinchic said...

Thanks for the links! Anything that will help make shopping for denim easier is forever appreciated~


I love them all!

La C.

Susana Rodrigues said...

Those PRPS jeans are very cool!

Anika said...

I like all three pairs....I do have to say that I'm honestly scared of the huge complexities involved in picking the perfect pair of jeans. I just seem to find jeans that do....lucky I guess.

Hope you have a great weekend bella

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for the great comments, all very much appreciated!

Schaedolito said...

Ooh its not so usually s to see that people knows that Acne is=) I work for Acne last year here in Stockholm!
Nice blog by the way!

Sharon said...

Hi Chickygirl-thanks for stopping by, I think the Acne brand has definitely become a lot more popular over this last year!

Marian said...

happy sunday Sharon,i want all those jeans!! a girl can never have too much denim :)
muah x

Sharon said...

Hi Marian-yes, you're so right about that, LOL!


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