
Gone, But Not Forgotton!!

Oh-how I swooned when I saw this really gorgeous cream leather jacket at Topshop :-)

No wonder, the next day I viewed it, it was completely sold out in ALL sizes :-(
I just needed to do a post on it to remind me what I missed out on, LOL!!


WendyB said...

Keep an eye out, someone might return one!

www.janetteria.com said...

Ebay? :)))


Cadmium said...

dang it. but who knows, maybe something nicer is waiting round the corner!

Mónica said...

it's so cool! I am not surprised it sold out so soon

yiqin; said...

Sigh I hate it when it is sold out!!!

ellie said...

Darn..glad you have a pic though Happy Mother's Day! Although, I guess UK had theirs a few weeks ago. Wishing you a fun weekend with you and your boys.

Maybe you'll find this at a great price somewhere in the future.

Winnie said...

I know this one is so popular...the studs are pretty awesome. Did you get to try it on when you were in topshop? The studs would really compliment girly floral dresses in the summer!

alissa said...

i found a white leather jacket at a thrift store a month or two ago - it needed a lot of love (missing buttons, kind of beat up) but overall awesome. and i didnt get it...and now i see photos like this and kick myself! maybe i should go back and theres a chance its still there...

Emma x said...

Ohh its gorgeous. Its so annoying when things sell out before you get the chance to buy one.Keep looking on the site because Topshop quite often get more stock in. x

paanie said...

maybe it'll pop up again. i think it would look great on you!

Make Do Style said...

LOL - did you really come over all faint!! I would have swooned too as I need that jacket - it looks like the only leather jacket that would suit me!

Thanks for shout out and I know it's coming up to you b/day month!! I will be slightly human in June so we must meet for drink x

LaMimi said...

Oh....*drool*...Yes, no wonder. It's fab! How much was it?


Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks for the lovely comments everyone, to La Mimi, it was £140-so out of my price range, but I could have been persuaded I reckon, LOL!

Lil Midget said...



Anonymous said...

what a lost, cute jacket !

budget chic said...

FUNKY, love the stud detailing

Couture Carrie said...

I'm sorry you missed out... not to worry, there will be other fab fashions coming your way!


Angela said...

I guess the stud detail trend is still with us. It's so weird I was just going to post for tomorrow.

444 said...

Hi there,
This comment isn't really on-topic, but I wanted to let you know that really enjoyed all of your London pics! Thank you for pointing me toward them!
Have a great Monday (or Tuesday - can't remember which day it would be there...) :oD

Anonymous said...

ah it is amazing!

Seeker said...

No wonder how it sold out quicky... it was great!!!! sigh!
Well, maybe you'll have something greater waiting for you, dear :)


jess said...

Oh its so pretty. Sorry you missed out on it.

shopinchic said...

That happens sometimes, you love something and you don't buy it-
then when you go back to actually
buy it, its sold out.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much to you all for the great comments!

Marian said...

darling you will probably find it on ebay but at more expensive price.
muah x

Sharon said...

Hi marian-yes, I'm sure people make a lot of money this way too, LOL!


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