
Rocking Stars and Stripes

The lovely Couture Carrie did a fabulous patriotic post on Stars and Stripes, Check it out for some fabulous picks of all things American!

Its half term this week, so I'm generally having a relaxing time and that calls for a casual outfit. In the spirit of her post, I thought I'd wear my tee from the boot sale this weekend-its an authentic 'Hard Rock Cafe, Los Angeles' tee which was only 50p.

I'm wearing it with jeans and my boyfriend style cardi (£3), both picked up from the charity shop and boot sale a while ago.

Unfortunately the sun has disappeared, typical British weather, LOL! Hope you are all having a great week too!!


Annie Spandex said...

I think stars and stripes are very cool now that we can love America again thanks to Obama :)

WendyB said...

That was a great post by Carrie -- I liked a lot of the items.

Doriana Gray said...

I hope the sun comes out for you soon! The t-shirt is fab, you are really good at pulling an outfit together.

www.janetteria.com said...

What a great lazy outfit! Chic!


saray said...

love your top

Anonymous said...

I'm still just floored that you found some boyfriend-esque jeans for £1.50. You're my thrifting hero, Sharon!

yiqin; said...

I love your top + shoes! Thy go so well together.

Angela said...

rocking outfit Sharon. : )

AsianCajuns said...

I love the tee, Sharon! It is perfectly paired with the jeans and cardi.

Our Atlanta weather has been mimicking British weather of late. Hope we both get more sun soon!

Robin Bailey said...

It's all so fun together.
I love it.


Couture Carrie said...

Thanks for the shout-out, darling Sharon! You look fab in your patriotic top!!


Jane said...

I love stars and stripes and have taken inspiration from them many times.
Great finds!

Monika said...

What a great t-shirt! It is unbelievable that you found these things at such a price! The sun disappeared in Belgium, too :-(

Anonymous said...

great shirt!

Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

Great easy outfit! love your top!!

LaMimi said...

Oh, it's such a fun outfit:)


Jules said...

Oh You look great n that tee Sharon!=) Hope to see more from you.And i hope you could put my blog link in your site.I would really appreciate it.=)

A Writers Den
The Brown Mestizo

Unknown said...

Aw! I want that tee.Give it to me.lol..;D Thanks for sharing.Care for exchange links?;D

Travel and Living

Make Do Style said...

Such a fab tee - brilliant!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for the fabulous comments!

444 said...

Hello, my fellow American... I mean - oops! You can be an American for a day! And I can read your blog and dream of visiting your country, like my mom did once when I was 5 yrs. old. Maybe I'll visit someday,when I get less afraid to fly! I'll visit you first, OK?

pssst.. Sharon, I put some shoes on my blog. It's infrequent that I feature fashion so I make sure to notify you... just kids shoes, but I do what I can.

444 said...

Sharon, what are you doing up at this hour? LOL - really, I can never remember what time it is elsewhere.

Thank you for the nice comment! And the finances are having a great day - I put up a post just above the piccy post about that, and I snuck in Mr. 444 on video as yet another weekend bonus, if you'd like to see/hear... I may not leave it up long, so I hope you enjoy. (hint: he is on the bass)

Sharon said...

Hi 444-have just checked in with you my dear!!

Siljesfashion said...

Fun and laid back look! Have great weekend!


What a fun look!

La C.

Jen said...

Love your take on the stars and stripes theme, the perfect relaxed outfit :)

Sharon said...

Hi Ladies-always so lovely and kind, thanks a lot!

Saver Queen said...

Love it. I wish I had that cardigan - something like that is so handy in all seasons!

Sharon said...

Hi saver Queen-thanks my dear, it is very handy!


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