
TwentyEightTwelve tees

A t-shirt is a must have basic for every gals wardrobe. I love these on offer at MyWardrobe.com by TwentyEightTwelve, the brand of Sienna and Savannah Miller.

T-shirts, £59 each

Ruffle vest, £49


Jules said...

Gorgeous shirts,but i like the first one.Love its color.=) Thanks for sharing,have a nice day.=)

A Writers Den
The Brown Mestizo

AsianCajuns said...

I love these tees too- but 59 pounds! eesh! I'm planning on DIY-ing a tee to look like these. Let us know if your buy one of the gorgeous tee.

Unknown said...

Love the last dress.The color,so cute.And its ruffle,oh my.Love this one.;D

Travel and Living

Robin Bailey said...

I love the ruffle vest.
It's absolutely adorable.
A bit over priced though.


www.janetteria.com said...

I want the first one!


Anika said...

thanks for sharing, gorgeous. that first tee is killer. i'm drooling over a tee, i must be completely nuts ;)

hope you're having a great week.

Anonymous said...

The tees aren't really my style, but I adore the ruffle vest! Raspberry is one of my favorite colors.

Seeker said...

I love them all, dear, but my fav the first.


Angela said...

i love fitted tees.

WendyB said...

The little ruffle is cute.

LaMimi said...

I have exact same ruffle vest , but in brown...I got it at forever 21 for like 8 quid...hehe


Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

love these tees!

ellie said...

Just in time for summer..but I better stay away from a chili dog when wearing one.

Thanks so much for the note.

Saver Queen said...

THose are lovely!

Sharon, I gave you an award! http://saverqueen.com/2009/05/20/awards/

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for your lovely comments and thanks Saver Queen, much appreciated!

yiqin; said...

I like how soft the colors are! A ruffle tank will be awesome!

Monika said...

I absolutely love your blog. I am also a great fan of vintage buys. You find incredible things, I adore your style!

Annie Spandex said...

Loove them!

Tricia said...

you see so many graphic t's these days, but these really do stand out. love them!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks for the great comments!


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