
Saturday AM Coffee

After having a dark berry mocha frappuchino in London a few weeks ago, I was drooling for another one. Hubby hadn't tried it, so the two of us went to the nearest Starbucks for our fix, which was deliciously cool and filling:

We had a lovely walk around the local market and I took the opportunity to get some leggings from Primark and also from on the market, as Primark didn't have 'denim treggings'. River Islands are £24.99, the markets version were only £7.99, so these and the Primark ones were less than £15!!

My outfit of the day was my Ralph Lauren ditsy flower skirt, Gap fushia drape tee, brown leather jacket, Peacocks gladiator style sandals and my Matthew Williamson brown Ibiza bag.

Have a great Bank Holiday weekend everyone!!



Cute coffee outfit =]

La C.

444 said...

What a great outfit. Great colors and love the ruffles.

Style At Every Age said...

You sure have style and I must try one of those next time I am near a Starbucks.

www.janetteria.com said...

YAY Sharon!

U look so fantastic! Adorable!


jpkittie said...

you are absolutely adorable!!! I can't wait to be debt free & start having cute little coffee outfits!!! Love it love :)

ellie said...

Great out fit to get a frappacuino in. Sounds like a great date for you two. Love the colors and the jacket too.

MissAmy said...

You look fab as always! I love the saturated color on the top, of course I'm diggin the leather jacket. But most of all, your legs look amazing - those shoes really keep them looking long & lean! XOXO, MissAmy

yiqin; said...

Sucha kickass outfit!I totally adore your jacket! :)

Anika said...

Loving the gorgeous coffee date outfit. I'd have to pass on the drink choice though, I need my caffeine strong :)

Hope you're having a fab weekend. And speaking of denim leggings, I like yours and you've reminded me that I bought a pair recently and should really find em!

Style At Every Age said...

There is an award for you over at my blog x

Emma x said...

I so love your barginous skirt. I got some denim tregging/ jegging things this weekend, heres hoping they look good on! x

Angela said...

ruffle and leather, perfect.

WendyB said...

Great outfit! Love the colors.

Cadmium said...

love this outfit, very berry indeed!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such lovely comments from you all, thanks very much!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon! I thought I would say Hi! =) And that outfit is cute, I'm lovin' the colors!

Seeker said...

What a great colour combo dear and love the ruffles on the skirt.
Looking lovely.


Marian said...

darling loving that hubby and you went to get coffee, loving even more what you wore. the shoes are gorge with the skirt!
muah x

Siljesfashion said...

Love the outfit, perfect for coffee. That coffee looks sooo good! Have a great week, Sharon!

Unknown said...

Awesome outfit! I really like the contrast between the "tough" look of the leather jacket and the sweet, feminine look of the skirt + top. Very well done!

Sharon said...

Hi Ladies-thanks for your wonderful and kind comments, much appreciated!

budget chic said...

I like the mix of rough and feminine with the leather jacket and the flowery flounce skirt. Very nice!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried that frapucino, but I'm almost dying to get another one of those regular mocha frappucino with whipped cream... large, of course.

Sharon said...

Hi Bdicte-yes, I love that hot too!


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