
Je t'aime Paris

Well, I had my day trip to Paris with my friends from work this weekend and it was totally fabulous!! First stop was the Notre Dame Cathedral, where we also went in and had a look around. Totally stunning and beautiful and there was a service going on too!
We then walked past the Louvre and its gardens, past Cleopatras Needle and the mini Arc De Triomphe and had a pitstop for an ice cream. Then it was up the Champs Elysees, stopping en route at Louis Vuitton for a spot of window shopping. I then had a late lunch of a three cheese pannini and lemon tart and then it was a leisurely walk to the big Arc De Triomphe and then on to the Eiffel Tower. We first went on a river boat cruise and then up the Tower to the top-totally awesome!! With the day finished, it was back on the Eurostar to London and a train home!

So here are some pictures of my day out-hope you enjoy them!!


LaMimi said...

Ooh la la!
Sound like a perfect trip to me:)
It's so nice to live in Europe , because everything is super close and all you need to do is hop on a train or plain and you are an hour away from other major cities:)
Good for you Sharon:)

www.janetteria.com said...

I agree LaMimi and I'm envious! LOL!


Dane said...

Oh Paris! ♥


Sally said...

oh so jealous! i wish i could day trip to paris! x

Northern Living Allowance said...

Ooh, how lovely! Lucky you :) The Eurostar is the train that goes under the Channel, right? Not entirely sure how I feel about that... :P

Angela said...

S, I am soooo jealous!

Marian said...

darling how fabulous! you saw all the must see sights darling. glad that you had a terrific time!
muah xx

Winnie said...

I adore Paris and I really must go back soon, especially when we're so close! Gorgeous photos Sharon...did you pick up anything nice?

Siljesfashion said...

I love Paris! I am so happy for you, sounds like a great day. Hope you got to see everything you wanted? Have a great weekend you to!


I wish I could go back to Paris =[ I miss it!

La C.

AsianCajuns said...

how super fun! I was only in Paris for 3 days and I'd love to go back. It sounds like you and your friends had a great time!

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

sounds so lovely! i wish that i loved close enough to do day trips to different countries! beautiful photos xx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your lovely comments, so much appreciated! Because we walked so much, there wasn't really much time for shopping! I picked up a keyring charm from the Eiffel Tower though!

paanie said...

oh, sharon, what an amazing experience. can't wait to hear about your other adventures!

Style At Every Age said...

I have always wanted to do a day trip to Paris, any chance of your itinerary as I don't have a clue and would have to go alone with the kids as it doesn't interest my husband at all!

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

lovely photos! glad you had a good trip! =)


ellie said...

How wonderful. Love the photos. Sounds like you made the most of it. Thanks so much for sharing the photos, too.

María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

I love París. I was there 7 years ago and I want come back!

Tea said...

I love Paris! I am so happy for you, sounds like a great day. Hope you got to see everything you wanted? Have a great weekend you to!

justbecausefashion said...


Couture Carrie said...

So fun, darling S! Merci for sharing your pics!


tanya said...

oh my goodness, I just did an post on paris--I love these images!!!

ellie said...

Thanks so much for the note. Oh..yes..I still have a few things to get to in the story. Some how. Like Amanda and Kyle.

So I hope there will be more soon.

Thank you so much for your time and your feedback. I so appreciate it.

Seeker said...

Oh I'm jealous! I sooooooo want to go one day to Paris....
Nice pictures, thanks for sharing.

Have a great weekend, dear


Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks to you all for the lovely comments!!

budget chic said...

Wow, great pics. I long to go to London and Paris and I hope that works out for me next year!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-thanks so much, you will really enjoy both cities for sure!

Seriale-modeuse said...

Paris is such an amazing city. J'adore Paris.

Sharon said...

Hi Seriale modeuse-I agree, thanks for stopping by too!


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