A couple of weekends ago, hubby and I had a night away at Covent Garden. We stayed at the Travelodge Hotel on Drury Lane.
I really recommend the Travelodge chain of hotels, they represent excellent value for money and if you prebook at least a month in advance, you can get some really good saver deals from £19 to £29 upwards for a room for a night. They have excellent locations all around London as well as the rest of the UK. So you know, I'm purely a satisfied customer, this post isn't a plug for them, LOL!!

It was an early start back, so after breakfast, we took a walk to the Embankment for a spot of River and People watching.

I waited to see if I could hear Big Ben again from where we were standing, but the traffic was just too loud!!

How lovely and romantic.
Wish I was there...someday ;)
Love your leather jacket!
Awww sounds like a fab night. Travel Lodges ae fab, i've used to pre booking deals a few times and the rooms are always nice. x
Sound slovely. Thanks for the award. I will post about it on Monday.
Have a great weekend.
Looks like a good time. Glad you guys got away. That's near where we always stay by the way!
awww fabulous.. u look gorgeous hunnie
I think Travelodges are often very good, and excellent value for money. You look great, as always! xx
Lucky girl.
I love to go to London sometimes.
The Royal Opera house looks beautiful.
very awesome city!!!
OMG! You are sooo Lucky! I luv the photos and your fab jacket!!! - p.s. Thanks for the recommendation too!
I love London. Great photos!
Nice jacket, gorgeous!
Also congrats on the award (last post).
p.s. I have got to thank you for the travel tips...I'll be doing a Europe tour in January and have already got the Covent Garden tip....solidified now. Have to....
heard there is a scones place that is divine there..haha
Have a fab week bella
Sounds like you had a lovely time! And thanks for sharing that hotel chain- Cath and I always bemoan visiting London because of the price of hotel, but it's our favorite city ;)
You wear the leather jacket really well!!! :) I love the ferris wheel behind :D
How lovely to do this! I need to take up your travellodge idea!
love your jacket Sharon dear. think it is great to be able just to get away every so often.hope you had a lovely time
What a lovely trip :)
I love that jacket too!
How very nice, I love London!
Some nice pics..and tips about traveling too.
sounds amazing!! and i love your leather jacket.
how wonderful for you and hubby Sharon. Great jacket btw.
i love your outfit on the last 2 pics. was it soooo cold there?? because here & now people can only stay in their house. We got 35-40 degrees:(
Oh this sounds lovely. I love walking along the river...I spent most of last weekend over on the opposite side to you on the south bank! So lovely at night!
Thanks for the heads up about travel lodge. Even though I tend to stay with friends when down in London, I want to take my little sister one of these days and a hotel may be better for her rather than staying with studenty 20 somethings!
Hi there-thanks for all your fabulous comments, so kind of you all!!
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