
Thrift Inspiration, A-Line Vogue Style

Well, A Line is officially 'The' new cut for the forthcoming season, according to Septembers UK edition of Vogue magazine.

Mind you, Stella McCartney made it totally wearable and in trend for this Summer season, pairing her mum style denim skirt with a tan belt and a white shirt-tucked in of course!!

I found this vintage high waisted Wranglers A line denim skirt this week:

Will you be going A Line this coming season?


FairyFiligree said...

Mummy style is right! My own mother used to boast of the A-Line and she lived through the war, bless her heart. For those of us who know how to sew, the A-line is one of the simplest patterns to complete. Don't know if it suits everybody though!

www.janetteria.com said...

Yeah, especially in A line dresses...so 60's! :D

Make Do Style said...

I've got my a-line skirt already. I love them and I'll be wearing my granny wedges with it too xx

That's Not My Age said...

Excellent I do like the A-line shape - and the Wrangler skirt looks fab.

Vix said...

I do love an A-Line! Your skirt looks fabulous, great find. xxx

Rebecca said...

A-line? Definitely! Denim? You betcha!

I like the look on YOU, too :)

teawithonesugarplease said...

Another triumphant look

Bonnie said...

If I could, I would cover the world in denim! I think you look great, mum style or whatever. The A-line skirt is a classic and always looks good.


WendyB said...

Some denim skirts don't lay right and look too messy or too stiff....but yours is perfect.

Unknown said...

A-line rules! It's my all-time favorite skirt shape. I hope there will be more denim A-line skirts sold. So far I've gotten one from the thrift store that I really like, but it's hard to find denim versions like Stella McCartney's.

I loooooove your look! The skirt is too cool, and it's perfect with the wedge sandals! It has that late '70s-early '80s vibe which is my all-time favorite style era! :o)

Winnie said...

Love this outfit, that blouse is lovely!

Pearl Westwood said...

Great take on the look, Im sure I must have something A line in my closet! xx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-am so pleased with your wonderful comments, thanks so much indeed!! xx

http://rawtasmania.blogspot.com said...

You find the best stuff, I would love to go shopping with you ! Love the blog :)

AsianCajuns (Cath) said...

I'm inspired to look for some more A-line pieces. I love your outfit!

Tanya Dempsey said...

Nice take on a fab look!



Lenya said...

You look amazing!

Sharon said...

Thanks so much everybody!! xx


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