
Shopping my Wardrobe-Kate Moss For Topshop Liberty Print Jacket

This jacket is definitely one of my favourite summer pieces-I generally wear it with denim, but I will also wear it with some plain vintage dresses too.

I'm wearing my black striped Jaeger silk headscarf, thrifted a couple of months ago, a white St Michael Marks & Spencer shirt my mum gave me which is from the late 80s, my 7 For All Mankind denim shorts and my pirate boots, also a favourite summer item.

Its been gorgeous weather this Bank Holiday weekend, so wearing a scarf has not only been a sun shielder but it has been really windy too-a practical and stylish way to wear my new favourite look for summer.

What are your favourite summer pieces that you hope to be wearing soon?
UPDATED TO ADD-In response to the lovely comments I've received, the jacket is a Liberty of London print which was used in the Kate Moss for Topshop collection!!


Please may I? said...

That jacket is stunning. I can understand why it's a summer favourite. I don't think I have one for this summer just yet. I've just resurected last years summer items so far. Plus I've been doing so much walking in preparation for the Three Peaks that I've lived in walking shorts/top and boots! Fetching I know!

X x

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

I needed a scarf yesterday, went to a Christening and then we were stood around in the garden - I went in to get a sandwich and discovered my hair looked like I'd been pulled through a hedge!

Love the pirate boots and the jacket looks nice although I'd like to see it closer up (obviously getting old!)

I'd love your thoughts on my most recent post - charity shop Galliano - a yay or nay to wear these days?

Please may I? said...

That jacket is stunning. I can understand why it's a summer favourite. I don't think I have one for this summer just yet. I've just resurected last years summer items so far. Plus I've been doing so much walking in preparation for the Three Peaks that I've lived in walking shorts/top and boots! Fetching I know!

X x

Comtesse de ferveur said...

Gorgeous jacket! Look forward to rocking out the cotton dresses this summer. xxx

FairyFiligree said...

Your look is slowly morphing & I see your headscarf is back in place which I really like. That jacket looks a dazzler - can you post a close-up view? It seems an interesting fabric. Who is it by?

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, the jacket is an amazing buy.

I can't wait to wear my summer clothes. I was so pure white on Saturday I had a slap a bit of old St Tropez on that has been in the cupboard for years. It worked though! Have a great day xx

Pratishtha Durga said...

How cute is that jacket! Love this look on you.

Ofelia said...

You look like you are hanging out after a college class.
Love the jacket, the jeans shorts and the booties!

www.janetteria.com said...

I think the new Charlotte Olympia strappy sandals!

Btw I love Ur jacket! :)


Vix said...

I love that jacket on you, Sharon, such an amazing find! The boots are pretty fab, too.
I've been wearing headscarves all weekend, these winds play havoc with my hair. xxx

CameronPoe2409 said...

I LOVE this look! I really like wearing jackets with t-shirts and jeans in the summer. I've had a blue and white pinstripe jacket with puff sleeves that I've had for about four years that I dig out every summer for outfits. Hope you've had a lovely weekend! xx

Perdita Tinsel said...

That jacket's delightful!

My summer favourite is a 70s style maxi (2nd hand- Gap) because it goes with anything from a band t-shirt to a 70s kitschy blouse to a chic jersy knit. It's cool and warm, smart and casual.

Having seen this post, I might try my fave denim with a cropped jacket now, too!

jess said...

That jacket is so nice.

Anonymous said...

Wow love the jacket and scarf you look super cute!! I am always amazed how you pull theses outfits together it is a challenge for me to find a blouse and blue jeans hehehehe ~Love Heahter

Veshoevius said...

I have this jacket! I love it and you're right it looks great with denim.

hippyatheart said...

wow, I really love hwo you combine the jacket, really awesome! the colours suit you very very well

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all the fabulous comments, so much appreciated!!

vint junky said...

Hee, i have this jacket hon. LOVE the print

Smashingbird said...

The jacket is gorgeous! I have a few new summer frocks which (weather permitting) I'll be cracking out soon. x


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