
Double Denim, featuring Red Jeans

Now lately, if you see me in a scarf you can bet I've been to the boot sale. For some reason, all the bootys are incredibly dusty and with the days so windy a scarf has been a must accessory for over there.

My outfit is my thrifted H&M red jeans from the boot sale in Brentwood a couple of months ago for only £2. My Levis jacket was also only £2 from the boot sale last month and has been worn quite regularly since. I'm also wearing my Uniqlo Jean Michel Basquiat tee which I bought a couple of years ago.

I quite like double denim, hence my second most recent post featuring it!!

Will you work double denim this season?


Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Hello - great bargain denim there, what a steal! I'm happy to do double denim so long as it's different colours - not brave enough for the same shade :-)

Perdita Tinsel said...

I love double denim- I usually go with deliberately mismatched colours like in your outfit, but I do have a blazer and jeans that I match 'exactly' for a slightly preppy, nautical feel.

Please may I? said...

Yet again another stylish and bargain outfit. I shall definatley be rocking double denim, infect I already have.

X x

That's Not My Age said...

I'm impressed. You're so good at finding a fashion bargain. I'm loving my red jeans - haven't worn them with a denim jacket yet but I like this look.

Rebecca said...

(I just commented on double denim in one of your other posts....). What I'm REALLY liking right now are your scarves!

A "tutorial" on how you wrap them would be interesting. (I'm not sure that I'd look as good as you do.)

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

This reminds me that I STILL need to find a nice pair of red jeans for myself xx

Ofelia said...

I do wear double denim as often as I can. It's just comfortable and easy to style.
Really like your red jeans, I think color denim is very cool.
Happy Mothers Day to you,

Unknown said...

LOVE your red jeans! And I love a headscarf. You look gorgeous, amor!

Sarah xxx

Belle de Ville said...

Probably no double denim for me but I'm seriously thinking of investing in a pair of red jeans. They look great on you.

jess said...

I love the denim look on you. I don't know if I'll try it.

hippyatheart said...

your outfit is striking and I love that two-colours-denim-combination-ting ;)

P.S.: You have won an award from me again :) Just have a look at http://hippiebohoreloaded.blogspot.com/2011/05/hi-there-first-sorry-for-beeing-absent.html

Vix said...

I'm not normally into coloured jeans but those look absolutely fabulous on you, I'm loving them with the denim jacket and that fabulous scarf. xxx

Ivy Black said...

I don't usually do double denim but I have a nice pair of Fifties style denim capri pants that will go fine with a jacket. I love your coloured jeans. You look lovely.xxx

Winnie said...

LOVE those denim jeans, what a great colour Sharon and another gorgoeus bargainous find :)

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, you look great as always. I still haven't ventured back into jeans but I love red ones on you and Mrs TNMA xx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thank you all so much, I love receiving your kind and lovely comments xxx

Reddest Roar said...

I think I'm developing a thing for red jeans. Double denim is too scary a concept for a non-jean wearer like me though...

Lucy Sherriff said...

I did exactly this post here:


Interesting we both say pretty much the same thing! Love that denim jacket too :)


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