
Another Find

As you may already be aware, I love Celia Birtwells prints. I have over the years, had dresses and blouses from the Topshop diffusion line, some of which I've still got and some which I've sold on Ebay.

I found this one from her Autumn 2006 collection for Topshop.

Its an ideal summer dress, with a back keyhole detail and cute fluttery sleeves.

What items do you still buy that you don't really need?


WendyB said...

This is perfect. So glad you got it.

Caroline said...

gorgeous dress - particularly like the detailing on the back. So pretty. I buy lots of things I don't need, but as most of them are from car boots or charity shops, I justify it with the absolutely bargainacious nature of the price!!

Rebecca said...

I can see why this didn't stay on the rack! The back view is MOST attractive & eye-catching, Sharon.

Please may I? said...

What a beautiful dress. It looks like it was made to fit too!

X x

Anonymous said...

Wow Fabulous dress fits you wonderfully and a great color on you I can see why you snapped that up!! Happy Mother's Day ~Love Heather

CameronPoe2409 said...

I think you sometimes just have to buy to snap up a bargain like this. The dress is so pretty and you look fabulous! xx

FairyFiligree said...

what items? Scarves, bags, embroidered stuff, jewellery..... but as you nicely put it...you can't leave it on the rail now can you? You look cute in that dress. Is it so hot in the UK already?

Ofelia said...

You look radiant and very sexy!
To answer your question: I'm still buying long and flowery skirts, even though I already own too many of them.

Vix said...

When you look that good in something I would be a crime to pass it by! Your waist is so tiny, that dress was made for you.
I buy way too much vintage costume jewellery. I can't help myself. xxx

Perdita Tinsel said...

That's a delight on you!

I tend to buy belts, scarves, handbags- basically accessories. I have waaay too many and am overdue a clearout.

Ruby Tuesday said...

I love this hun xx

Seeker said...

Sharon, dear, you look just great in that dress.... soooooo sexy!!!!
You did it well not to leave it.

Hope you had a nice Mother's Day!!

Love, darling


Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I love it! You look absolutely gorgeous! You have an amazing figure. What a great find. Hope you've had a lovely weekend xx

Make Do Style said...

Great find and do we ever really need anything!! xx

Haute World said...

Beautiful dress - I love the print! I definitely still buy things I don't need, especially when it comes to shoes!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Gosh it is lovely - suits you perfectly x

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such lovely comments, thank you all so very much!! xxx

Smashingbird said...

Oooh soo pretty, the back is just lovely!

Jane Alisa said...

Lovely dress, I love the back. xoxo

Unknown said...

Wow! What a great dress! Dresses are my downfall...and shoes....don't need either, but I just can't pass up a great pair of shoes or a great vintage dress!! You look fabulous! ~Serene

jess said...

I love the back.

Angela said...

love the back of the dress.

Style At Every Age said...

that dress looks lovely on you. I can't say as I collect anything from a certain label.

Pearl Westwood said...

Everything I buy I don't really need!! You needed thatdress though it fit your perfectly and the back cut out is a lovely detail x


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