
Thrift Inspiration, 80s Style

Oh how I love things 80s!! Some items from that decade certainly border on the chavtastic side, but to be honest, I won't be rocking rara skirts or a shellsuit anytime soon!

What caught my eye though is whilst browsing through 'The Cheap Date Guide to Style' which the gorgeous Vix sent to me a few months ago, is how some items do stay as classics through the decades. One of the pictures that I love is of Ramona Rainey wearing her Fila track top, looking cool and relaxed. In her words 'What I'm wearing relates to the music, I'm saying , This is what I like. My shorts move it on to the year we're at now. Not actually being 80s hip hop retro, just making a nod, I'm mixing and matching.'

As the style guide says, anything can be a classic of sorts if you're good at giving things iconic meaning. A tracksuit jacket can be reminiscent of hip-hop, East End geezers (see Danny Dyer here in my favourite 80s inspired film, The Business), comedy sketches about Liverpudlians and casuals-calm down, calm down-very chav indeed!!

More inspired by Rainey than 'The Scousers', I was pleased to find this authentic 80s Sergio Tacchini track top, which I think will work perfectly with a pair of modern print summer shorts for a relaxed summer afternoon/evening vibe.

I also found a navy blue one exactly the same and will be taking it to the Vintage Fashion Fair with me in June.

What sort of classic-chav or not, is inspiring you this summer?


AsianCajuns (Cath) said...

I love the track suit look because it always reminds me of Europeans - hahaha. Track pants caught on in the states in the late 90s, but the jackets were never as popular. I've love a full classic adidas track suit in red for a full on Royal Tenanbaums moment :)

Ofelia said...

I was never into track suits but I did the neon colors, the funky color tennis shoes and all the plastic jewelry!
Oh, memories..

Vix said...

I'm glad you're enjoying that book, Sharon! Chav-tasic is one of my most favourite words.
I've always loved the old skool 1970's Adidas zip-up tracksuit tops and sports bags. xxx

Style At Every Age said...

I used to love my red ra ra skirt. Those were the days!

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Hehe, I don't like tracksuits but Mr D is a fan ;) xx

www.janetteria.com said...

I agree with Cath! :)


CameronPoe2409 said...

I have a green ra-ra dress that I wore to my first grown-up party and Duran Duran The Reflex was top of the charts, oh them were the days! My cousin has a gorgeous retro Filo trackie top that I love and I've just remember I had a fab blue and hot pink Adidas trackie top myself that I threw out years ago, what was I thinking! xx

That's Not My Age said...

John McEnroe used to wear an ST track top - and I love him!

jess said...

Everyone in my town loves tracksuits.

Winnie said...

Oooh I'm not so sure if I have anything classic-chav inspired in my wardrobe but a few years ago, I was inspired by those big chunky earrings. Though they still remain firmly in my jewellery box and I don't think I will be wearing them anytime soon!

That's Not My Age said...

John McEnroe used to wear a ST track top - and I love him!

Belle de Ville said...

No Eighties fashion for me. Been there, done that. My daughter though loves all things 1980s.

Sharon said...

Thanks for the comments ladies!! xx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, of course you and I remember when everyone wore these! I remember my boyfriend at the time having a ST tracksuit.

The only chav thing I have is a hoodie. One is gold and one is black with sequins xx


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