
Thrift Inspiration, Leopard Print Style

This weeks Net-A-Porter magazine is featuring leopardprint -Feeling Feline is such a trend that never seems to date and is forever in style. Here are Net-A-Porters picks of whats hot this season:

Giambattista Valli's top, £1000
Tucker blouse, £200

I've always been a fan of leopardprint and will pick up quality pieces on my travels. Two of my favourite pieces are below, the Julien McDonald blouse for Debenhams was thrifted last year and I've worn it a few times.

This one below was thrifted earlier on this year, its a St Michael (Marks and Spencer) blouse from the 80s and can be worn as a blouse done up or as a light summer jacket.

Leopard or animal print is a style you either love or loathe, I definitely love it as it is easily thrifted and if you choose a quality piece, it will be a keeper in your wardrobe for years to come-this St Michaels one is over 25 years old but still has plenty of life left in it!!

Will you be in leopardprint this Summer?


Pearl Westwood said...

I have one of the blouses from the Cavalli for H&M collection which I really love. Your picks are great, you cant go wrong with leo can you x

hippyatheart said...

really great finds! love your comparisons of net a porter and vintage finds :)

CameronPoe2409 said...

I've never bought any animal print clothing but last year I bought some print shoes in the shoes, so I may try and keep an eye out for a top too. xx

lunarossa said...

Love leopardprint. I've got scarf, blouses, a lovely coat etc. I'm going to buy a pair of leopardprint flats too. Love your blouse as I like frills as well. Ciao. A.

Ofelia said...

Sharon I like the new photo collection at the start of the blog!
I found a leopard-print D&G purse at a small thrift store a couple of weeks ago and thought that is was a fake until I clean up the inside and found the company's tag.

Rachel - Firebird said...

I love leopard print but I've never really thought about it for summer, I always associate it with being wrapped up warm for winter. They are some lovely pieces you have though, maybe I should be braver with my print choices this summer?

Jane Alisa said...

I am in love with the Valli top. xoxo

www.janetteria.com said...

Love the Tucker blouse!


Miss Magpie said...

I'm always in leopard print, winter or summer, in fashion or out, I love it!

WendyB said...

^^ I'm always in leopard print too!

Style At Every Age said...

I so love leopard print, sadly the early onset of sunshine has prevented me from wearing my leopard print jacket yet this year! I also adore Tucker blouses and would love one!

Comtesse de ferveur said...

I do love leopard print. Great M&S find. I love M&S today still but the vintage stuff is just gold! xx

Caroline said...

I do love a bit of leopard print - always makes me a feel a bit 'glam'. Can't believe the price of that top, though - £1,000??!!!!

Vix said...

I like your M&S one the best! I do love a bit of leopard print, I've got a vintage coat and a fake fur waistcoat that was Mum's in the 1960's. xxx

Perdita Tinsel said...

I love animal print. It's SO outrageous and you can go full on kitsch and glamourous or simply add an accessory. I have a leopard print scarf that I use to pep up plain brown or black jacket.

It's very useful for weekends away when you have gold, brown and black clothes but only one pair of shoes/handbag, because it contains both tones and 'brings together' any combination of the three.

Please may I? said...

Would you believe I don't own any! Shocking or what!

X x

Please may I? said...

Would you believe I don't own any! Shocking or what!

X x

Please may I? said...

Would you believe I don't own any! Shocking or what!

X x

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

The St Michaels one is fab. I love leopard print, but can always handle a bit more in my wardrobe. A pussybow chiffon blouse is now top of the list! xx

Smashingbird said...

I have to say I don't own any leopard print - love it on other people tho! x

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

i've loved leopard since last fall's animal print trend! will def. be wearing it this summer. i bought a flowing leoapard/zebra print maxi skirt last month and a shorter handkerchief hem one two days ago! =)


Anonymous said...

I love any leopard print! awesome.

Miss Neira

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such lovely comments and they are very much appreciated, thanks so much! xx

Veshoevius said...

I like the M&S one - its a great print! I like rifling through Net-A-Porter too to get an idea of what is in fashion (and laughing at the price tags!)

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I like yours much better than the designer versions, as usual! xx


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