
An evening at Penny Dreadful Vintage

Saturday night was spent at the lovely home of Ms Penny Dreadful, who has fulfilled her ambition of setting up her own unique vintage boutique, which you can see in more detail here, but here is a taster below:

She has a wonderful selection of vintage pieces including some wonderful Designer finds too, I was so in love with a Thierry Mugler dress, unfortunately it was too big for me though.

So many delectable bags, shoes, dresses, skirts-how can one choose, it really is a delightful set up and it was great to go and see it in person too.

I met up again with lovely Kate at Make Do Style, Miss Peelpants of Vintage-A-Peel and met for the first time the lovely Perdita of Perditas Pursuits, who purchased an amazing Jean Varon frock which looked totally gorgeous on! There were also other lovely ladies present, including Land Girl 1980 and Miss Cherry Loves-everyone looked amazing in their vintage outfits too!!

There was lots of lovely party food, punch, pimms and lemonade and when I left I was given a lovely Goody Bag from Ms Penny Dreadful-thanks so much my dear, it was a really lovely evening!!

If you haven't already checked out Penny Dreadful Vintage, then do so immediately-plus it is possible to visit her wonderful boutique to have a styling session which is by private appointment only, her email details are on her blog!!


Unknown said...

How fabulous! I must move to London - you guys have all the fun!

Sarah xxx

Ofelia said...

That is a fantastic way to spend an evening! Vintage clothing, good food and drinks and great looking ladies! I'll be checking all their blogs later on.

Veshoevius said...

It does look lovely! Great photo of the boutique up top. I wanted to go to this and couldn't - sigh! Next time.

hippyatheart said...

wow, what an amazing evening in a wonderful vintage boutique with blogger friends! lucky you! I'll move to london, too ;)

Smashingbird said...

Wish I could have made it! I'd have loved a rummage in there! x

Vix said...

I wish I could have gone, too. It looks like it was a brilliant night. xxx

Ivy Black said...

What a wonderful evening. I really wish I could have gone.
She's got it all looking brilliant and it's going to go really well.
It's great to see bloggers together!

Rachel - Firebird said...

I wish I could have made it, the mini boutique looks utterly amazing

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Thanks so much for coming Sharon, it was great to meet you in real life finally. Hope the boys liked their sweetie bags ;) xx

jess said...

It looks like a great place. I'm so in love with the polka dot dress.

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I'm so sorry I missed you and the party. I would have been there but had family stuff.

I will go and visit very soon. Hope all's well with you, love, C xx

FairyFiligree said...

It looks like a lovely place to be & I love her blue dress too.

Comtesse de ferveur said...

Looked like such a great evening, the boutique is fabulous! xxxx

Perdita Tinsel said...

It was lovely to see you! :) I blogged the frock yesterday, got to decide where to wear it on its first day out... hmmm, Vintage at Southbank calls...

www.janetteria.com said...

How cool! :)


WendyB said...

I'm jealous that I couldn't be there!

Seeker said...

Sounds you girls had such a nice time!!!! I'm also jealous like WendyB!!!!

Hope eveyrthing is fine with you, love


Sharon said...

Hi everybody-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comments! xx

Olivia said...

This place looks amazing! x

SabinePsynopsis said...

Such a great project - I can spot loads of wonderful clothes from here. xoxo

Winnie said...

Aww, Margaret is awesome, wish I could have made it! It looks and sounds like it was such a fun evening!


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