
Trend Alert-Snakeskin is back!!

Browsing through Grazia, it's great to read that snakeskin is back on trend! Apparently all things crocodile is on its way out and snake print is its natural successor. Jaeger, Topshop, M&S and ASOS have a great selection on offer.

But, if like me, you love thrifting, try picking up a bargain from your local charity shop, flea market or boot sale. I scored this gorgeous Joseph snakeskin jacket from the PDSA charity shop last year for only £5-still not worn it yet though, a must for this summer, I think!

Try picking up a vintage clutch or bag, this is a great way of getting into the trend too!


Make Do Style said...

Ah the Jospeh jacket - very 1990s! Great find, hurry up warm weather.
I have a snake phobia so I will sort of admire the look from afar but I do have a Reiss faux snakeskin belt which I overcome my distaste for!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-yes, I need to start wearing a lot of my unworn clothes once the weather gets better!

Skye said...

I like leopard print, but lived through too much bad 90s snake print and early noughties python print to want to go anywhere near it just yet.

I still like the mock croc though!

Winnie said...

I personally limit snake/croc skin to shoes and bags, I think it's the strangely smooth texture I am not a fan of. I am intrigued to see what the jacket looks like on though, so I look forward to seeing this in an outfit post!

Shes Dressing Up said...

Ooh, the jacket is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Great jacket! I love snakeskin, especially in shoes and handbags! I'm looking to this trend!

Sharon said...

Hi skye-I will really dress this jacket down, rather than up, jeans and a vest top!

Hi winnie-like I said to skye, I'll dress this down as it is a statement piece!

Hi nic-thanks so much!

Hi budget chic-yes, its a great trend, I agree thanks my dear!

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

i agree...thrifting is the best way to score pieces like this. nice find with that jacket!

WendyB said...

I will have to wait till it warms up to wear my Ossie snakeskin jacket again...I hate the winter!

Sara Luxe said...

oh yes i love snake skin, topshop has some amazing ss heels in atm in the sale ! not my size those, but am dtermined to track some down ! /xo

Sharon said...

Hi emily-thanks so much my dear!

Hi Wendy-oh me too! I feel soo unstylish in winter plus it's really cold at the moment!

Hi seralouise-have you checked online?

Anonymous said...

That jacket is another example of your amazing thrifting karma, lady. It's a knockout! Husband Mike got me a pair of snakeskin pumps for my bday, so I'm all set for this trend.

Siljesfashion said...

I will be picking up a pair of shoes in snakeskin. Decadent jacket!

Sharon said...

Hi sal-thanks for your lovely comment, glad you're rocking the trend too!

Hi silje-yay, can't wait to see these, bound to be gorgeous like you!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

Oooh cool coat, so 90s!

Sharon said...

Hi s-thanks my dear!!

Andrea Eames said...

I bet you look great in snakeskin! You always pull off that kind of print really well. :)

Reena Rai said...

You must have a huge wardrobe, you have so many wonderful items! Absolutely love this, but I think I would probably have to do litle bits of snakeskin as im not brave enough to do a whole piece like this

Angela said...

exotic is totally the it trend. i will do accessories in exotic.

Seeker said...

Oh I think the jacket is great, a good find, dear.


jess said...

That's a great find.

Anonymous said...

So cool! What a find!

Thanks so much for the comment, too.

Vain and Vapid said...

omg, is looks so real... is it? I think snakes scare me a bit but if it is the real deal, you did great if you just paid £5!

Happy New Year & have a great 2009!

Jen said...

Great great coat - i'm not normally a huge fan of animal skin but i await in anticipation for your collection of it :)

Sharon said...

Hi a cat of impossible colour-thanks so much my dear!

Hi fashion dreamer-thanks, I do have some great pieces, I just need to start wearing them!!

Hi savvy-a good choice my dear!

Hi the seeker-always lovely, thanks!

Hi jess-so kind, thanks!

Hi ellie-thanks and you're so welcome!

Hi vain and vapid-it is real leather! happy new year too!

Hi pretty little pictures-thanks so much my dear!

Anonymous said...

I love exotic trends. I'll definitely look out for this when I go vintage shopping next week!

Sharon said...

Hi LaMimi-yes, hope you find something my dear!

Secretista said...

I can't do snake skin. It's not me. I've tried.

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose,

On of my favourite things is snakeskin... I adore! Your jacket is cute... :D

xoxo: Janet

yiqin; said...

Ah yes, lovely jacket! I am looking for a snakeskin skirt though.

Anonymous said...

great jacket!

Danz said...

Great find Sharon - I can't wait to see how it looks on!

I'm loving animal prints right now, especially leopard, zebra and giraffe.

Take care and have a lovely day :)

Sharon said...

Hi secretista-oh well, I'm sure you'll rock another trend this summer!

Hi janettaylor-thanks for such a lovely comment!

Hi yiqin-that sounds great, hope you hunt one down!

Hi emma-thanks my dear!

Hi danz-yes, I think it will be a great trend for the summer, animal prints!


Perfect accent to all black or even better, all brown. :)

Thank you, Sharon. You're a darling. Thinking of you, makes me realize I haven't made a video in agessss. :)

Marian said...

snakeskin is so back!dont know if it ever goes out of fashion.
that jacket is terrific.
muah x

Anonymous said...

The jacket looks really interesting! I can imagine you wearing it very well!

Seeker said...

Thank you so much for your understanding darling, you’re sweet and lovely.
I’m not going to disappear, I’m just not appearing so many times a week.


Anonymous said...

oo that is such a cool jacket! i'd love to see an outfit post with that coat!

La C.

Lil Midget said...

I don't know about snake skin tops or pants or skirts, but they are great on shoes, bags and belts :) Especially belts


Sharon said...

Hi erika-yes, I agree and thank you my dear!

Hi marian-lovely as always, thanks!

Hi nadine-thanks my dear!

Hi the seeker-soo pleased to hear, take care!

Hi Lacouturiernyc-thanks my dear, I'll do one soon!

Hi lil midget-yes, its a great versatile trend!


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