
A Zara Basic

Another recent thrift find was this Zara silk/cotton tunic style top, from the local Sue Ryder for £3.75. Its a great layering piece and it helps that grey is Paris's 'in' colour too!!

I've paired it with a black polo body underneath, my Levi jeans and my grey suede boots which are by Next and thrifted a couple of years ago from the Salvation Army for £3.99.

I'm looking forward to visiting Zara and Mango towards the summer for some basic vest tops, they do some really stylish pieces for very reasonable prices.


Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Wow, you look great - causual chic

AsianCajuns said...

I always love zara sweaters because they usually don't get all misshaped in the wash. That gray is a gorgeous color on you!

♔Jaimie said...

that is super cute! i wish i had one!

WendyB said...

Those gray suede boots are great. And such a good price too.

Sharon said...

Hi Lenya-thanks a lot my dear!

Hi Asian cajuns-yes, it has washed up nicely and its so light too, thanks!

Hi Jaimie-thanks my dear!

Hi Wendy-thanks, I don't wear them often, but I will try from now on!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon,

What is a harmony, Sharon! One of my favourite combo, which I saw till now!

xoxo: Janet

Charlotte said...

Hi Sharon-Rose!!! Yes, I'm back again :-D
Love your winter style...simpy chic, isn't it?

Marian said...

thats a great top honey!love pieces that are great for layering,especially in subtle colours like this grey top.i agree with you about mango and zara.they are great for basics.
muah x

Rianna said...

I enjoy your blog that much that i've tagged you in a challenge!
Check it out
Rianna Bethany xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

So pretty..Love the bargain.

Hmmmm..I'm not sure if its going to start anything up with Elliot. Maybe. Thanks for asking. & thank you so much for all your comments too.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the colors in this outfit and the grey looks really great on you! Zara and Mango are just awesome.

saray said...

Love your boots

evita nuh said...

can't agree enough! zara is fashion saviour! too bad mango dont have kids collection ( well not in my country )... love that outfit! :)

Sharon said...

Hi janet taylor-thanks so much my dear!

Hi charlotte-nice to see you and thanks!!

Hi marian-thanks a lot my dear!

Hi rhianna bethany-thanks, I'll check it out!

Hi ellie-so welcome, keep up the great writing!

Hi fashion addict-thanks for your lovely comment!

Hi saray-thanks a lot!

Hi evita nuh-yes, both of them are great stores!

Anonymous said...

Just love this look, Sharon. Especially those awesome boots!

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-thanks so much my dear!!


love that jumper on you!!
thanks for the love, Sharon Rose :]


Sharon said...

Hi erika-thanks so much my dear!

ivoreece said...

I like some Zara clothes, too (especially the t-shirts look so crazy and sweet there) :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous combination Sharon! I also love mixing grey and black:)

Seeker said...

I like Zara very much and what a bargain, my dear!!!
Looking lovely


MakeupByRenRen said...

i really like this look on you :)

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

great look here...all classic shapes and colors!

Strawberry Fields said...

simple but gorgeous, love it!

i would have all my photos with my face showing but my camera can only sit horizontal and if i have my face in it cuts out half of the outfit! thank you for the lovely words, you are beautiful =D xx

Reena Rai said...

Great casual chic outfit, I love the polo under the tee. Gotta keep warm in this cold weather! Those boots look really nice too

Make Do Style said...

Lovin' the grey!

Unknown said...

fab finds! I heart vintage/thrifting!!!

Tricia said...

exactly, so true about Zara, and those boots rock!


you have such an elegant neckline! my ballet teacher would have loved you!

La C.

Jen said...

Cute boots lady and you are showing off that figure with this outfit :) Fabulous!

jess said...

I like the way you layered the tops.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much ladies for the lovely comments, much appreciated!

yiqin; said...

The top goes wit the boots so well :)

Sharon said...

Hi yiqin-thanks my dear!

Stina said...

I love Zara too! They have such affordable pieces, and the gray looks absolutely amazing on you!

Sharon said...

Hi Stina Inc-thanks so much for stopping by!


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