
Dressing down in denim

Well, one item off the wishlist is a denim shirt. I picked one up last week at the Salvation Army charity shop for £1.50, the same day I found the Gucci loafers.

The denim shirt is by Ralph Lauren and I'm wearing it with my Diesel denim skirt. I toyed with giving this skirt away because of the short length, but I feel comfortable when I'm wearing opaques with it.

To me denim is a great way for casual dressing-what is your favourite dressing down outfit?


ellie said...

well I wouldn't do it..but I swear I saw someone at the grocery store in my summer pjs(I have a pair just like them) and I look so much better in them than she did, but I was like..can you do that? I wouldn't. I do find a cook deninum button up dress that I could off short (its more of the empire waist coat kind of thing) and its cool to wear with tights or just as a jacket. & I found it at salvation army.

& Thanks so much for reading my blog.

WendyB said...

Ooh, this look is super cute. I agree, it works with the opaque tights.

www.janetteria.com said...

I love denim and Ur combo is super cute but chic at the same time... :-)


Unknown said...

Oh you look so pretty on this outfit. ;D Hope to see more from you Sharon! ;D

Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

You look wonderfully casual

Sally said...

Ooh i have been secertly wanting a denim shirt, I shall start a proper hunt x

nurmisur said...

You do have the legs for it ;)With a pair of leggings they would also look great.

Sharon said...

Thanks everyone, to Wendy-May, am really pleased its inspired you to get one too, that's fab!!

Couture Carrie said...

Very cute look!
I love to wear denim when I dress down too :)


Haute World said...

Love the all-in-one denim look on you! And what a steal once again! The Gucci loafers are a great find as well. I think I would have paired it with opaques as well. I just get really paranoid wearing short skirts!

Gerri Ward said...

WOW! I luv this LOOK, you look sooo chic with your to die for FAB Gucci loafers !

Anonymous said...

What a great look! I always feel wrong doing denim with denim, but it's fab on you, Sharon.

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

love the denim jacket!


Make Do Style said...

Yah! you did well great shirt and look x

♔Jaimie said...

i really like that outfit!

Marian said...

honey i love denim,there is nothing like it when you just want something simple and laid back that is always classic. Love this look with the opaque tights!

lunarossa said...

You look super, Sharon! I love denim shirts. I used to wear my son's but now that's 15 his clothes are too big for me! Ciao. A.

Winnie said...

Love the denim shirt Sharon! My dad has a denim shirt but alas it is humungus. I need to try and have a think to see how I can work it into my wardrobe lol!

loft in SoHo said...

cute outfit, you look so pretty dear!


Anonymous said...

Yeah for those Gucci loafers!

Cadmium said...

Great way to wear a mini skirt, Sharon! Opaque tights is the only way for me too - unless it's a mini dress and veeery hot outside. To dress down, I add a casual t-shirt or shirt to what I am wearing...

Sharon said...

Hi to everyone-thanks so much for all your kind comments, very much appreciated!!

Anonymous said...

You look fab! xxx

Anonymous said...

And you certainly don't need to worry about the length of the skirt - its great on you, You've got great pins! x

Seeker said...

Oh well, dear I think you are one of the few people I know that look so cute with all denim!!!
Love it!


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm totally on the lookout for a denim shirt too. Love yours!

ellie said...

thanks for the note. oh, you'll find out where Nick has gone. & for Roger, well, hopefully its for the best. Maybe he's maturing.

Princess Liberty said...

This short is really beautiful

Angela said...

Nice. i love to pair blue denim top with casual white 3/4 pants. : )

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks for the fabulous comments!!


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