
My Perfect 'It' Dress-Vintage 70s Jean Varon

Since I sold my Ossie Clark for Radley maxi dress about three years ago-something I did regret, but as they say 'c'est la vie', I've been after a vintage original maxi and have never been able to find the perfect one-until now.

Scouring Ebay, I found this gorgeous black maxi floral dress by 70s designer John Bates, aka Jean Varon.

The floral print is just so similar to the prints produced by Celia Birtwell for Ossie Clark back in the day. The maxi dress is my perfect length and style and just what I've been wanting for such a long time:

I just adore the print, florals against a black background are a huge favourite of mine

I do have an Ossie Clark dress, but its not a maxi, so this really fulfills my longing for a designer 70s vintage dress

What item are you hankering after this Summer season?


www.janetteria.com said...

Oooh, it looks so divine!


Ofelia said...

Sharon you look super slick and feminine!!!
I own a Jean Varon snake and leather purse that I thrifted about 10 years ago for less than $5.00!!!!

Haute World said...

Beautiful dress! I'm all about the maxi length this season and this one is definitely channeling Ossie Clark. You can't really go wrong with a floral print either!

Perdita Tinsel said...

Love it! I too am embracing floral maxis as it get warmer.

mispapelicos said...

I love, love it.
It is beautiful, and it looks fantastic on you, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
I must get mysel one, soon.

Please may I? said...

Looks summer and stunning.

X x

Style Eyes said...

Definitely floral dresses. Your dress is beautiful!

Mo said...

That is a stunner, you look lovely. x

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

One of my favourite outfits of yours - it gorgeous and looks lovely on you. Really suits you.

CameronPoe2409 said...

You look fabulous and that print is soo pretty. I'm looking for a nice bright coloured dress for the summer, not found anything yet! have a lovely weekend xx

Smashingbird said...

This is very beautiful and looks just stunning on you, what a find! I'm still looking for my perfect trouser, what they are I just cannot decide!

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

It's completely gorgeous! I love the draping and the shape of the upper body.

By the way, I can appreciate that the mink stole in my set isn't your thing. I just want to reassure you that I've been a staunch vegetarian for 14 years now and I only own the stole because it's very old (1930s) and so it's difficult for me to resist a piece that's SO antique and can be bought from a vintage store so none of the cash goes back into the fur industry.

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Oh Sharon! It's fabulous! You look wonderful in it. You need a backdrop of the South of France or somewhere to set it off perfectly. What a brilliant find.

Hasn't the weather been amazing? I'm loving it xx

Rebecca said...

What a lovely pattern, color & style. It looks as if it were made JUST for you!

Belle de Ville said...

That is the perfect dress for this summer!!!

Rachel - Firebird said...

The print on that dress is amazing. I am searching high and low for a maxi that completely steals my heart. I am yet to find it

Unknown said...

Oh you look a million bucks Sharon! It was made for you. I'm off to ebay uk in search of one for myself now!

Sarah xxx

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Ooh it's lovely Sharon. I'm trying to build a collection of Jean Varon, your one is gorgeous xx

yiqin; said...

the print suits you well :D

Sienna said...

LOVE that pattern

Unknown said...

Well you KNOW I love a good Varon, and that's a stunner! Well done...I'm trying to thin my Varon collection but it's so hard because they're so damn fabulous ;)

Winnie said...

You look gorgeous Sharon! I love that dress and I think it's perfect for the lovely weather, you just need a wide brimmed hat! Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is super cute what a great dress to have ~You wear it well~Love IT!! ~Have a great weekend Love Heather

Comtesse de ferveur said...

That is just gorgeous! Vix is a big Jean Varon fan too, as you know. The stuff is amazing, always a real find to treasure xxxxx

stylenuggets said...

Lovely print. I can see you wearing this a lot in summer.

WendyB said...


Seeker said...

My dear you look so lovely as per usual!!!!
Such a great dress, with boho vibes, 70's for sure :)

Hope you're having a nice time. Here the weather is so terrible!!!!


vint junky said...

It's beautiful! And i see the ossie resemblance. Ebay has alot to answer for regards selling things we later regret. But then again it gave you a rather stonking replacement ;)
I've a real hankering for some seventies flares... although vertically challenged me prob won't even suit them... sniff

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all these kind and wonderful comments about the dress, I'm so grateful and its much appreciated xx

Unknown said...

OMG I am *dying* over that dress! That is just sooooo right on! I have almost an obsession with maxi dresses lol! I've already bought 3 of them and have 2 more on a shopping wishlist. But I think they did maxi dresses best in the '70s. I wonder whether it's because, growing up, I'd see my aunts wearing maxi dresses and skirts and the image just stuck in my brain because I thought they looked so beautiful.

I love the print and drape of your dress too. Soooo chic it's crazy! ^_^

I'm going to try and wear one of the maxi dresses I bought for my baby shower next week, and I'll post pics! Hopefully it will look okay. I'll be able to wear them after the baby too, so I'm really happy about that.

Pearl Westwood said...

Oh yes there are a few things I have a pang of regret about selling, but ah well. I love the dress, the cut looks very easy to wear when its gets really hot x

Lenya said...

That dress is perfect for you. You look lovely.

hippyatheart said...

this dress is so stunning, a real 70's dream! what a great find and such an iconic piece! love the colours!

xx viviane

Caroline said...

Fabulous dress, Sharon - I love it! x

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks once again, so lovely of you all xxx

budget chic said...

Oh how amazing! I love the pattern on that dress, what a wonderful score. You look fabulous, wish I could see the shoes more.


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