Well it was a good result at the boot sale for bargains today-I spent a total of £5 and I got some designer bargains in this, so I was well pleased :-)
These first two are of the vintage 80s body con Thierry Mugler top I got for only 50p-yes, 50p!! The man wanted a £1, but he couldn't change a £5 note, so I gave him the only coin I had at that time 50p-ha ha!! I also got these DKNY sateen dress skinny trousers for only £1, too!

I didn't buy just for myself- I also got little Robert an NBA Lakers basketball vest (tank) for £1!
UPDATED TO ADD-I'm thinking about cutting the skirt off the Celine dress to leave a blouse-what do you think? Or, I could alter it and make the length shorter-opinions please!!
Some really cool finds(its early on a Sunday morn..I put fines first). Isn't that melon or orange sherbert in this year, too.
Thanks again for reading.
Have a fun Sunday.
Darling, thank you for you soooo-kind comment. I felt really uneasy wearing those shorts even only in front of my bf.
Those are serious bargains! I love that 80s Thierry Mugler top! It is so stylish! That sequin vest is such a piece! Dear, wear it over a sleeveless dress - you can go straight from day to night! I cannot wait to see you in that vest - you will look divine in it!
hi sharon! the sequin vest is great!!!!! and i mean, i knew you could get cheap designer clothes (somewhere where i don't live...), but - wow!! 50p!!! that's what i call a bargain! take me there ^^
I've never seen anything like that Thierry Mugler top...it's quite cool! I also LOVE the black sequin vest, I want one!
The dress isn't really my style either, I guess it's a bit too covered up for me. I'd personally make the hem a little shorter but it's still cute on you :)
Haha, I know what you mean about passing up brands. I went to a garage sale recently where a lady was selling humongous 80s YSL clip ons and I was actually considering buying them until I thought "I'm never gonna wear these" so I put them back.
Have fun with your new finds and sorry for the ridiculously long comment!
Hi ellie-thanks and you have a good sunday too!!
Hi times of glory-thank you for your lovely comments too!! thats a good tip about the sequin top-thanks!
Hi cate-thats lovely-thanks so much!! Its nice that I can get bargains locally from the boot sales :-)
Hi danz-don't apologize for a long post-it's great!! Yes, I was debating about shortening the dress if I keep it-it might even look nice as a blouse perhaps? I would always buy cheap designer clothes or accessories, because you can always sell them on ebay if you change your mind about them!
Cool finds!
And yes, I would love to trade links.
Hi Nay'chelle-thanks so much and I'm adding you now!!
i love the one rainbow sleeve!
Hi Emma-yes, typical 80s brights!!
That tea dress is STUNNING, i am green with envy :)
I don't think you should shorten it either, its perfect at that 40's style tea length!! That's how it should look..
Wow, that Mugler top is so stylish..
Hi ladies who lunch-Thanks for that!! I did think I may be creating sacrilege if I cut this, as I do appreciate a vintage piece-my mind wanders about making it wearable, but deep down I think agree with your thoughts, really!
Hi Ladies who Lunch-thanks for your comment on the Mugler top too!!
How do you awlays manage to find so good stuffs! THE SEQUIN VEST IS JUST AMAZING! You look great too! As always! :)
My mum cut a lot of her 70's dresses in the 80's - Ossies, Biba.. she lopped off billowy sleeves and made tops out of them that she never wore.. oh the crime of it!!
That shirt you are wearing in the first picture with the multi-colored sleeve is so creative, I really love it. The sparkley vest is perfect for a night out.
The sequined vest is wonderful!
perhaps you could alter the Celine dress to somewhere above the knee? i think it'd look great that way. . most of the time i see tops and wish they were dresses.
p.s. love your site and am adding you to my blogroll as well. i enjoy nothing better than a fun day out thrifting
Those DKNY sateen pants are HOT..
You're making me itch to go thrifting *must..save...money..for debt*
I think the first look is amazing. It has a wonderful 80s disco appeal, and allows your gorgeous figure to shine, Sharon! *fascinated*
The Celine dress is a bit conservative for my taste, but one has to have some classics in their wardrobe:)
All in all, it seems like another day of fantastic bargains, dearest Sharon. Happy for you!
I really like the "rainbow-top"!
..And the vintage vest was lovely!:)
a few really good founds! (or finds, im german, sorry^^) i think the dress would look great as a blouse. but be carefull while working.... the shoes u wear in the second pic with the dress are adoreable!!!
im impressed, by the way, u got a great and lovely smile in every picture.
What great bargains! The 2nd dress is lovely, though I agree it could look nice as a blouse and you may wear it more then!
You always manage to find all those awesome fashions! The top with the rainbow sleeve is great~
omg 50p!!! I would shorten it a little personally...What fab finds
oooo the vest is a dream!
I want your Mugler top! Great find!
no matter what, that celine piece is amazing, but i would make it a tunic length so that i could either pair it with white leggings and dark brown boots for fall, or espadrilles for summer.
Hi Yiqin-so kind again, thanks a lot!!
Hi Ladies who Lunch-she had all those dresses and they got cut-thats a shame :-(
Hi Jen-thanks so much, handy pieces for going out!!
Hi alicepleasance-thank you so much!!
Hi p-thanks so much for stopping by my blog!! I'm not sure about cutting this, after Ladies who Lunches comments, I do agree really that some pieces shouldn't be altered!! I will pay you a visit and add you too-thanks a lot!
Hi fabulously broke-thanks a lot-I'm so pleased thrifting does not break the bank!!
Hi Ida-yes, I was certainly channelling different looks yesterday-ha ha!! Thanks so much, dear Ida!!
Hi marte-so kind, thanks a lot!!
Hi fashionpuppy-you're so lovely, thanks so much-I am rethinking the cutting of the dress, though!!
Hi Nic-thanks so much, I think I will keep it as is and see if I do end up wearing it one day!!
Hi angie hearts-thanks very much!!
Hi soph-yes, very cheap-ha ha!!
Hi fashion is poison-yes, I'm pleased with that too!!
Hi wendy-I thought you may like that too-thanks very much!!
Hi cupcakes and cashmere-thanks so much, but after a rethink I think I shall keeep it in its original state!!
praise for your great finds! thank goodness you are not shortening the dress, the length is perfect on you.
Yup, would love to, adding you now :)
Hi Karima!! Thanks so much-yes, I think you are right as well, I will leave it as it is!!
Hi Soph-thanks!!
I really like the mugler top- tres hot! the celine dress is cute but I think it should be hemmed just a bit shorter.....the length is a bit awkward (in my opinion)
really love that rainbow sleeve!
Hi ash1314-Yes, I'm really pleased with the mugler find!! A lot of debate over the length of the dress-I've decided to leave it as it is, because this adds to the authenticity and original vintage style of the dress. Thanks so much for your opinion!
Hi pamcasso-thanks so much!!
love love love the first look, your rock it! DO NOT cut of the Celine dress, its a beauty!! I would consider tailor it, making it a little shorter, but I really like it. Its such a great piece, so think that through before you decide. Just my humble opinion as a fellow thrifter!
Hi Silje-Thanks so, so much for your comment Silje!! Now I have thought, I will leave the dress as it is, as I think this adds to the vintage style and leaves it intact!! I value your advice, Silje!!
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