As a few of you may be aware, I have been collecting Ossie Clark and Celia Birtwell pieces for a couple of years now. The inspiration to collect came from an original Ossie Clark that I thrifted and sold on for a very good profit, but this inspired me to source pieces and start collecting.
To date, I have 2 black Ossie Clark for Radley dresses and 1 floral Ossie Clark for Radley below. The Celia Birtwell pieces I have are 3 floral tea dresses-2 shown below, 4 blouses and 1 Celia B plain black dress. I also have a couple of pieces by Jean Paul Gaultier-a black waistcoat and denim jean jacket and 2 pieces by Jean Muir-a black dress and a navy wool crepe jacket. I have single pieces of Zandra Rhodes, Thierry Mugler, Vivienne Westwood, Yves Saint Laurent, Issey Miyake and Comme des Garcons.

For me, thrifting has become the ideal and realistic way to collect vintage and modern designer fashion, which is essentially what my blog was designed to be all about. I've made a conscious decision recently to not shop on Ebay anymore, as I personally need to fully appreciate the numerous pieces I already have, be able to wear what I've got once in a while and for me, to essentially find these bargains at stupendous prices from the boot sales and charity shops.
I have only really started seriously collecting vintage and modern designer fashion in the last couple of years-when the boys were younger, although I liked clothes and fashion, I never really was seriously into it that much. The boys are older now and although I have cash restraints my time and knowledge has improved and this is how I put it to good use-doing my blog and thrifting-my two main hobbies!!!
I would love to know what inspires you to buy the clothes you do-is it magazines, friends, fellow bloggers and do you also collect-certain designers, accessories, dresses-you name it, I'd love to hear about it, please!!
You have a great collection and everything looks beautiful on you!
Hi wendy-thanks so much-hope you didn't mind my reference to your blog, your collection is a source of inspiration!
Love the first dress!
Hi Sharon, your collection is stunning!! I get inspired from magazines, bloggers and girl on the streets, travelling and paintings. I collect vintage pieces as well, although I have to use ebay, because Norway is not as big as London and Paris, when it comes to thrifting. Sometimes I get amazing deals, and its never on something you actually look for. However, I find that I much more "connected" to my vintage pieces and treasure them more as time passes. And thats what I love about thrifting, its the chance to find uniqe pieces, while having fun!
Hi nay'chelle-thanks so much!
Hi Silje-aah, a girl after my own heart!! Yes, I totally agree about having a connection to the vintage pieces and treasuring them more as time passes-the 50s dresses my mum gave me recently, I truly appreciate them and won't part with them either! You are so right, you never know what you will find thrifting-this is the fun of it!!
gosh i love that topshop blouse from the second picture! you look fabulous =]
Hi madamedior-thanks so much-yes, it's one of my faves!!
I absolutely love to thrift and shop vintage because you can find such great pieces for a fraction of the original price and you know that you will have unique and different clothing. I am always afraid when I shop main stream that I will have the same clothes as everyone else which I hate. I love to find inspiration on the blogs. It is so fun to trade ideas and great finds.
Hi fashionable obsessions-yes you are absolutely right-it's great to find a vintage piece that no-one else is going to have and at a steal of a price too! I agree that you can get great inspiration through fellow bloggers too!
I feel that bloggers are very inspiring! Like you make me want to thrift more so I can get all these amazing dresses like you! :)
Hi Yiqin-thats so nice and so true-I hope you do score some lovely bargains for yourself!!
Cute dress in the first picture:)
Hi marte-thanks so much!!
i love that first dress, way great find!! thanks for your comment <3
What extremely cool outfits!
Sometimes, its what I'm in the mood for..or need. But usually, its the pattern that strikes me most, because sometimes when I thrift, I like to remake stuff.
You've got a fabulous collection, Sharon. This is mind-blowing to me, seriously. Keep doing what you're doing so well!! And don't stop inspiring us:))
I have a weakness for large, chunky ethnic-looking necklaces - If I find one, I can't leave it behind. The other items that I collect are wooden/tortoise handled purses. These types of necklaces and purses are conversation starters.
no wonder i'm in love with that blouse, it's from topshop! looking great, lady!
Oh wow you have a great collection. I adore the first dress.
Thanks for the luck...I'm quite nervous for Friday!
You're so skilled at vintage shopping!!! I love the second floral top!
I love that black celia dress. It's black, but not boring which is key :)
Hi fashionchalet-thanks so much-this was one of my last ebay finds!!
Hi ellie-thanks a lot, are yes, I too am inspired by patterns that I see.
Hi dear ida-thanks for your lovely comment-I think we all inspire each other!!
Hi girl@boroughvintage-I bet you have some lovely pieces too! I think I wouldn't mind getting some necklaces like this, as they would go very well with summer dresses-thanks for inspiring me!!
Hi cupcakes and cashmere-thanks for your lovely comment!!
Hi winnie-thats so kind, thanks a lot!!
Hi secretista-that is also an ebay find, from Celia's 1st or 2nd collection with topshop! Thanks!
Hi fabulously broke-Yes, this one is a favourite, as it is a modern dress with an original Celia Birtwell print from the late 60s-early 70s! thanks!
All your dresses are delicious, love them.
Hugs from Angel.
Sharon, these totally awesome! They are not only beautiful but also suit you perfectly! You look so sweet and gorgeous in them!
Oh so hard to be just focused on one deigner or even a few. My tastes morph but I do regret giving things away to charity like my Katharine Hamnet dress, Helmut Lang skirt and a few other gems which now I kick myself about. But I've moved quite a bit and should have sorted storage then I'd have tons of gems.
I tend to collect shoes and handbags.
My current fav is Marc Jacobs but he's just at the top of his game at the moment. My best piece is Christian Loubitian's autograph!
hey, great post, you have alot of cute dresses. Oh and i got that issue of vogue on the previous post, i thought it was really good, doesn't Uma look great for 38 or 39 i forgot,
check out my prom dress and tell me what you think
You must have one of the most amazing wardrobes, each piece is so individual and different :)
What inspires me to buy clothes is if I am in a happy mood, if I have a good amount of money in the bank (afer rent) and most of all seeing pictures that really inspire me style wise :D
great collection! I love your Ossie Clark floral dress!
don't collect certin designers.. I just buy what I like.. somtimes somthing I see in a magzine or in a blog inspire me and I look for something similar..
the only thing that I crave for after seeing in several blogs is the nine west gladiator heels..
What a great collection, I just love collecting favorite designers' pieces. That top is super pretty!
I love your collection! I agree with Wendy B- everything looks great on you.
Recently, I've been more influenced by fellow bloggers (such as yourself! now i want to go thrifting) rather than magazine editorials ( I would do cheap spin off versions). It's what I love about the fashion bloggers' world: full of inspiration from all over the planet.
Hey Sharon rose, i would love to swap links, I've added you to my blog roll =]
I love that blouse, and also the last dress, you look very good on it! I don't really know what inspires me... I guess everything: mags, my friends, bloggers... it's more a feeling than a previous inspiration, I feel I have to buy it, and if I've the money, I just do it. I think I can say I collect shoes, I hope to have a collection of Manolos some day (probably impossible, but one can dream).
Hi angelgrotton-thanks so much, thats lovely!!
Hi times of glory-always so nice-thanks a lot!!
Hi Kate-yes, when you do think of what you've given away or sold, I too could kick myself-I'd love to see the Marc Jacobs bag one day!!
Hi fashion-obsessed Thanks for stopping by my blog-glad to see you got the magazine, a great issue!! I will stop by too!
Hi on track-thanks so much and it's nice to shop when in a happy mood!!
Hi saray-thanks so much, thats lovely!! Yes, the nine wests I agree, are adorable-just a touch too high for me!!
Hi vain and vapid-thats lovely, thanks so much!!!
Hi asian cajuns-thats so kind, thanks very much!! I do agree that fellow bloggers give excellent inspiration and since I've been blogging, I tend to check out the mags online rather than buying them!!
ok, that's it, I'm moving in with you so you can take me thrifting! What's the address?
Hi madamedior-I've added you too, thanks!!
Hi atelier-yes, I know what you mean about having the feelings to buy, especially if you do have the money. Hope you acheive your shoe collection in time!!
hey, this post stands in perfect reference to my post - i have a hrad time choosing what to buy. no, i don't have a leather jacket nor a denim vest (but i have a black vest). and yeah, i have many dresses, so maybe you're right and the jacket or vest should be a priority. i mostly see the things i like and want to buy in magazines, or on people i know, or i just walk past some shop and completely fall in love with some item they have on display.
Hey thanks for your comment, and i would love to swap links :)
Hi danz-but I'm very sorry, with your access to beaches, I'm coming to you-ha ha!!
Hi cate-hope you make a good decision in what you get-it's worth getting something you haven't already got!
Hi fashion-obsessed-I will add you now!!
your dresses are so beautiful! I'm always intrigued by what people collect clothing-wise. Did you know that Celia Birtwell also worked with Express (a store in the USA) recently?
Hi pamcasso-thanks so much-yes, I have images of that collection-the prints she used are virtually the same as her topshop collections!!
Beutiful collection, Sharon!
Thank you so much for your lovely birthday wish, i appreciated it so kind of you.
I got my inspiration from myself, from fashion bloggers and from fashion magazines.
My greatest passion is the 40'-50' style and i buy often clothes to realize an outfit inspired by old fashioned divas and films.
Hi alice-hope you had a wonderful day!! Thats great to follow a style era-40s to 50s are so beautifully chic!
i'm absolutely envious of that collection. . love that first dress
Hi P-thats lovely-thanks a lot!!
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