
Uniqlo-Check it out!!

I found Uniqlo by chance on a trip to London a few weeks ago and fell in love with their cool separates which are so reasonably priced. They are a Japanese company and do collaberations with designers to produce lovely pieces-these particular dresses are all by Alexander Wang and are all only £24.99!!

Chloe modelling for them!! I have this vest too!! 2 for £19.99!! What a bargain!!

One of my Uniqlo vests with Levi jeans

If you click on my title, it will direct you to their site-they have some lovely cropped jeans in red, yellow, green, blue, black and white reduced to only £9.99-excellent for summer!!

Take a peek now!!



Oh I need to add your t-straps into my next collage. Lovely :)

Sharon said...

haha!! I look forward to seeing my feet on your post!!

WendyB said...

You have better luck than I do -- the two times I was in Uniqlo I saw NADA.

Siljesfashion said...

Ah, wish we had this store here!!!! Maybe they do in Paris?? Have a great weekend!

ellie said...

Thank you so much for your comments.

I have something similar to that jumper in the first pic. I love mine. I can dress it up or dress it down for summer. Great for a cover up when swimming, pr a t-shirt under it. With leggings, without leggings. All sorts of ways.

cool stuff!

Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola said...

When i saw Chloé for Uniqlo photos i was so courious to see how beautiful are these clothes!
Thank you so much for show us your beautiful vest, Sharon you rock!

saray said...

Great prices..
you look great as always :)

L.I.N said...

that outfit is soo comfy i could picture myself wearing it!

and say, how do you manage to get your fringe to behave? mine's always a mess, i've given up on them!

terren said...

Ooh, lovely! i love that second dress

Richel said...

That first dress is absolute love.

Chelsea Rae said...

I always see really cute stuff others have bought at UNIQLO, but I've never found time to venture into the Uniqlo store in NYC. I need to do that sometime!

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy!! I think I hit lucky that day, but as Uniqlo is in central London, it's not a regular shopping place for me anyway.

Hi Silje-yes, you're off to Paris soon-lots of gems to be found there, for sure!! Have a lovely weekend!!

Hi ellie-you're welcome!! Keep up the good work!!

Hi alice-you are always so kind-thanks so much!!

Hi saray-yes the prices are excellent-thanks so much!!

Hi eleh-thanks so much!!ha ha, my fringe is well trained now-years of practice!!

Hi terren-yes I'm loving that one too!

Hi ragamala-thanks for stopping by my blog!! Yes, it is cute!

Hi chelsea rae-yes, you may well pick up a bargain with any luck!!

Anonymous said...

i lovee uniglo! and thanks for the lovely comment

Sharon said...

Hi emma-thanks so much!!

AlicePleasance said...

Uniqlo is great! Wish we have it here too...

Sharon said...

Hi alicepleasance!! I don't really have a local store, but I'm pleased its available online!!

moin said...

i love the first dress or top :)

Sharon said...

Hi shatice-thanks for stopping by my blog! yes it is cute!

Ida said...

I really like the vest you bought, and the way you combined with the t-straps, and skinnies. And the outfit Chloe is modeling for them is killer!


thank you, doll! :)

by the way, I love how you tied your top to one side, I remember doing that in the 80's and it was cute then and it still looks good now.. =)

Sharon said...

Hi ida-thanks so much! Yes, I adore Chloes look too!

Hi fashion chalet-ha ha, I remember doing it with tops in the 80s too!

Anonymous said...

unfortunately, don't exist where I live!

Sharon said...

Hi something picasso-thanks for stopping by my blog-thats a shame theres not one nearby :-(

Margaux said...

love those first 2 dresses. so simple and cute.

Shes Dressing Up said...

I love uniqlo stuff! I'm very excited about this Alexander Wang collab - so cheap!

Danz said...

There's nothing like this where I live either hence the reason why I rely so heavily on online shopping and secondhand stuff for the majority of the cool clothes I own. I love the second dress and your outfit is great!

Secretista said...

I'm in love with the dresses and your outfit! I too first discovered this store when I was wondering SOHO last month! It's a great store.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I've heard so many good things about this store, I wish we had it too but i think it's very popular in asia.

Angie hearts said...

I think they're great too!! Simple but so fun at the same time~~! I love the styles~

Human Racing said...

Uniqlo seems so amazing! I've never been to one since there aren't any near me.

*Noa* said...

Hi :D I tagged you!

Look at my blog to see the details.

Winnie said...

Oh love the first dress!!

Mira said...

Awww sweetie <3

Love that last picture!

ellie said...

I like the prices..especially on sale from that place.

AsianCajuns said...

I'm so jealous! Those a great finds! I wish Uniqlo would sell their items online. argh!

Sharon said...

Hi margherita-thanks for stopping by my blog and for the comment!!

Hi nic-yes, these dresses are a real find, I think!!

Hi danz!! Thanks so much-yes online shopping and buying secondhand stuff is absolutely great- I love it too!!

Hi secretista-thanks so much! Yes, uniqlo is a great happening store!!

Hi jen-thats a shame:-(

Hi angie hearts-thanks so much!!

Hi nay'chelle-thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for the comment!!

Hi*noa*-thanks for stopping by my blog! I did a tagged post on 3 June-please regard this as my answer, if you don't mind-thanks!!!

Hi winnie-yes, this one is cute!!

Hi Mira-thanks so much!!

Hi ellie-yes, those cropped jeans looked awesome in the sale!!

Hi asiancajuns-thats a shame you can't get them online:-(

ellie said...

thanks for reading. hopeyou have a fun weekend.

yiqin; said...

Uniqlo will be coming to Sg but not in time for me to get the Alexander Wang's collection! I am so bummed about that :(

Anyway, you look great :) As always!

Marte said...

Love the black dress!
Nice vest your wearing:)

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-no problem!! have a good one too!

Hi yiqin-thanks so much-thats a shame it won't get to you in time-I'm sure you could get another bargain from there instead!!

Hi marte-thanks so much!!

Monique said...

does that top dress have a tiny vest attached to it? if so, it's amazing!

Bluukbob said...

wow..you have somany comments it took me a whole day to scroll down.hihi

lovely dresses!!


Sharon said...

Hi monique-I put my own lime green vest underneath the Uniqlo one-so they are separate layers!!

Hi catherine ashley talks fashion-thanks so much for stopping by!!


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