
Boot Sale Sunday!!

Today I went to the boot sale at Noak Hill. The weather was verging on rain-again, so I dashed around rather quickly.

I found this super Topshop brown leather fringed bag for only £1-I know another bag again, but fringes are in this summer, plus its leather and a bargain!!

Vintage 60s cardigan-£3, Salvation Army; Commes des Garcons vintage t shirt-£1, Collier Row Boot Sale, Levi's jeans-£5, PDSA Charity Shop

My outfit is an ecletic mix of old and new-I am wearing an original 60s cardigan-I love the style and colour-a perfect cover up for this unreliable weather we are having at the moment. My t shirt is vintage by Commes Des Garcons-it says Un, Deux Trois! My jeans are the newest item, rolled up with a rockabilly 50s vibe, I think!!


ellie said...

I love the t-shirt. cool hand bag too. Its adorable how you have the whole outfit together.


Cadmium said...

Love the leather bag, well done!

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-thanks so much for your lovely comment!!

Hi karima-thanks so much!!

Unknown said...


you are fantastic!!!

a kiss for you, my dear friend!

god bless u dear

can we exchange our link

r u ready to do?


você é fantástico!

um beijo para você, meu caro amigo!

Deus te abençoe u Caro

podemos trocar os nossos link

r u disposta a fazer?

Sharon said...

Hi rohit-thanks for your lovely comments!!

Siljesfashion said...

Oh my god, you HAVE to go shopping with me nest time I go to London, I mean how on earth do you manage to score these great deals????Vintage and second hand are so much more expensive here, thats why I buy so much on ebay. LOVE the fringe bag and the cardigan!! Hope you are enjoying your sunday!

Mónica said...

you look adorable in that outfit! I really love that topshop bag. it was a real bargain, my god! I liked one from Zara, but it was 90 euros! no way!! I need to go for vintage as you did! great choice!

Thanks for the advice on my graduation, I really appreciate it! It was so nice that all you answered me so fast! Finally I wore it like in the 1st pic.

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-that would be brill to go shopping!! In the summer, the boot sales are fab over here-but you do have to rummage! Thanks so much for your lovely comments-hope you are enjoying your Sunday too!

Hi atelier-yay! I loved that 1st choice-well done!! Thanks for your comment too!

Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola said...

Lovely match Sharon! Cardigan is my favourtite, gorgeous color work out perfectly on you!

Fringe bag is true bargain, i bought one from Furla this winther on Yoox, kind of suede fringed bag in light brown.

Take care!

Pamela Tan said...

pls pls send me one of ur bag purchase :)

Sharon said...

Hi alice-thanks so much for your kind comments! yes, a fringed bag is popular for summer! You take care, too!

Hi pammish-I'm sure you have some lovely bags you can show me!!!

Danz said...

ah you read my mind, I plan to do a post on fringes pretty soon. Great bag!

WendyB said...

Great fringed bag. With what you pay for bags, you can afford to have 500 of them! Why not?

Sharon said...

Hi danz-thanks so much!! Look forward to your fringe post too!

Hi wendy-thanks a lot! If I had 50 bags that seems over indulgent, let alone 500-ha ha!!

Make Do Style said...

You are such a little magpie!! Or a squirrel.....

Anonymous said...

LOVE that bag and I've added your link :)

BlossomClothing said...

ooh gorgeous bag! nice find, i love car boots too!
love to trade links
love from blossomclothingx

styledigger said...

Love your t-shirt and this fringles bag!

Winnie said...

Oh wow the bag is SUCH a find! I'm rarely ever that lucky!

Monique said...

Hey thanks for the comment, leave your link on my page, mine is streetsloths.blogspot.com :) have a lovely day

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Oh you found a fringe bag like I've been wanting and at such a good price, I have to say I'm beyond jealous. Next time pick up two and send it to me, I'll pay of course! :)

Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog!

AsianCajuns said...

What great finds! I wish I lived in England. Thrifting is much better over there!

geri hirsch said...

that topshop bag is amaaaazing!!! so jeal!!!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-ha ha!!Yes, I must admit, I do feel like a little magpie sometimes, eyeing up the bargains!!

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-thanks so much for stopping by my blog-I'm adding you too!!

Hi blossomclothing-thanks for stopping by-thank you and I'm adding you too!!

Hi styledigger-thanks very much!

Hi winnie-thanks so much!! You need to rummage-ha ha!!

Hi monique-thanks for stopping by my blog-yes I will do that and add you to my links too! have a nice day too!

Ha ha Jen! I will keep my eyes open for you!! Thanks a lot!

Hi asian cajuns!! Yes, now it's summer (supposedly!) the boots sales are in full force-but the charity shops are also good too!!

Hi bear-thanks a lot!!

Charlotte said...

Hey, the bag is looking so Prada-like! Good investation, I think it will make every outfit amazing.

Sharon said...

Hi charlotte! Thank you so much-yes, I think it will go with a lot too!

Sharon said...

Hi charlotte! Thank you so much-yes, I think it will go with a lot too!

Ida said...

Wow, Sharon, my dear, this bag is totally rocking my world! It is amazing, like really gorgeous. Gee, you are good at bargains;))
Have a fantastic week!

Sharon said...

Hi Ida-thanks so much for your lovely comments!! You have a good week too!!

Fashion Is Poison said...

i am sooo jealous of your fabulous fringe bag!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion is poison!! Thanks a lot and thanks for stopping by my blog!!

Anonymous said...

ah end up doing this every summer cutting up all my pants

Anonymous said...

ps i tagged you!

Sharon said...

Hi emma-thanks!! I will be doing a tag post today or tomorrow as dear cate tagged me at the weekend too!

Mira said...

You know... I've been looking for that kind of bag for a long time now. But cant find it anywhere. Lucky girl!

Sharon said...

Thanks so much Mira and thanks for stopping by my blog! I think you tend to find things when you're not looking-do you get what I mean??

Anonymous said...

What a hot bag )))

Sharon said...

Thanks so much, angelgrotton!!


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