
Christopher Kane-Thrift Inspiration

I found Christopher Kanes collection quite inspiring for this summer-it was fun to see faded denim back in fashion again-I purposely thrifted my River Island faded denim cropped jacket and my Diesel faded denim skirt to fit in this current trend!

I thought I would check out his fall collection and although I don't intend on buying winter clothes just yet (!), it has inspired me with some thoughts of what I could thrift if similiar items are to be had- I particularly love the jumper dress, the sequinned cardi with the LBD and the sleeveless coat over the chiffon dress- I think these trends can be obtainable through the high street (maybe not just yet) and by thrifting!!
So although many of us are thinking summer, if you do go thrifting keep your eyes peeled for any winter items that can translate these trends, if you love them like me!!


Neve said...

a little too gray in my opinion, but some are interessting for fall 2008...

WendyB said...

I like that last look a lot!

Mónica said...

I adored his last summer ('07) collection, it was soo cool

Ida said...

I am not exactly fascinated by the trend, or perhaps I am just too excited to enjoy the summer to think of winter. I somehow find it quite dull color-wise. I love all kinds of sweaters, though, so I wouldn't mind getting the dress;))
Enjoy your weekend, Sharon, my dear!

Secretista said...

I love Winter!! :)

beachybabe said...

OMG I love the mix between thrift and designer! I have been trying to get my friends into it but they wont budge. check out my blog. I'm doing a fashion sprend sometime next week. Leave a comment!

girl@boroughvintage said...

Sharon - good post. I will have to keep my eyes out while I'm shopping. Because, I just passed over a sequin jacket similar to the one in picture #3. Also, Thanks for the add!

Fashionably collaborative thought box said...

oh wow i actually think these pieces are gorgeous - the last photo of the grey cape - like jumper - like shawl - like thing is so gorgeous, the pattern work is interesting andthe shape is wonderful! ahh its inspiring! x

simimoon said...

ohh i love the 1st and 4th look from the fall collection!

Wendy said...

I'm currently sand papering some jeans cut into shorts in hopes of this Christopher Kane look. But I think I'm giving up, so much work!

Danz said...

I love the last look! I really have no need for a cape but I've wanted one for such a long time! Hope you're having a lovely weekend Sharon, take care :)

Sharon said...

Hi fashionpuppy-yes, I see your point, especially when there are so many summer bright colours around!!

Hi wendy-I agree, this is a fabulous outfit!!

Hi atelier-Yes me too, so inspirational!!

Hi ida-yes, I understand what you mean-its hard to get excited about winter trends with all summers lovely bright colours about!! Have a lovely weekend!

Hi secretista-yes, you can cosy up in winter!!

Hi beachybabe-thanks so much for your comment and stopping by my blog-I will definitely pay you a visit!!

Hi boroughvintage-thanks so much-shame about the jacket you missed!!

Hi owner of this space-Thanks so much!! I agree, this collection is very inspiring-you can adapt it to your own personal tastes!

Hi taghrid-Yes, I agree, they're lovely!

Hi wendy-I'm sure they will look stunning anyway!!

Hi danz-Yes I agree, I don't need one, but if one came along...ha ha!! Have a lovely weekend too, Danz!

Style On Track said...

I love it all, they are such interesting shades, shapes and material, very very inspiring collection :D

J.M. Powell said...

i adore the chiffon layered kane dresses. he is quickly going up my list of designers

Sharon said...

Hi ontrack-yes, I so agree-I love all of these!!

Hi juliam-yes-they are gorgeous, especially under woollen items, so stylish.

Siljesfashion said...

Great inspitaion Sharon! Love the greys, and I am always looking with a open heart for anyhting as I thrift, thats the best way I think!

Marte said...

I like the outfit in picture number 4:)

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks so much! yes, you're totally right-you have to keep an open mind when thrifting!

Hi marte-yes its a real stylish outfit!!


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