
Red Shoes, Black Shoes

For autumn, I'm really coveting some black patent or red patent or just black or red leather shoes. Here are some styles I like from Topshop's website-I really would like either a t-bar or mary jane style or a twist on the classic court :-)

Sitara Shoe, £75
Party Premium Cone Heel Shoe, £75

Hopefully a vintage pair in my size will miraculously appear on my forthcoming thrifting trips to the boot sale this summer-these styles are definitely inspirational for what I'm after!!

Stella Shoe, £55
Shuffle Tassel Bar T Shoe, £60


Pamcasso said...

I've already mentioned my love of red shoes (well, ruby slippers), and I must have some for fall!

WendyB said...

Red patent would be fab.

Times of Glory said...

Sharon, I love T-bar and mary-jane! They are gorgeous and very girly! Black is essential and red is sooooo cute! I love both... what a situation! Acutally, all the shoes you've found look very chic and I love the last pair particularly xx

P.S. The park is just nearby my place... not that big! I was thinking to go to a bigger park but really no time.... xxxxxxx

meliindaa. said...

thinking about autumn already? summer JUST started where i live! i like the t-strap shoes, anything in t-strap attracts my eye recently

Sharon said...

Hi pamcasso-yes, I really do want a pair-haha!

Hi wendy-yes, totally on my wishlist!

Hi times of glory-thanks and yes, these are all covetable, really!! The park was stunning that you went to!

Hi I think thats hautte-thanks for your comment and for stopping by-well, I have summer stuff, so I'm one step ahead I suppose!!

Marte said...

I really like the first red ones!

Jenna Shotgun said...

i like the last ones best!

Me said...

I love these shoes! The red shoes are exquisite!

Madame Dior said...

=o i am in love with the red tassle t bat shoes! they're adorable =]

P.S I've started a new blog on individual style (http://flightofphancy.blogspot.com/) hope you can stop by =]

Sharon said...

Hi marte-yes I love these ones too!

Hi jenna-thanks for stopping by and thanks for your comment-yes, they are cute!!

Hi beka-thanks for stopping by and thank for commenting-I love the red ones too!!

Hi madamedior-Yes, they are very cute! I will certainly stop by your new blog too!!

Siljesfashion said...

Love t bars and mary janes, so elegant. Hope you are having a wonderful evening!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks so much! yes, just had dinner and back to blogging, ha ha!!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous shoes. . i love my red shoes AND my black shoes. i'm always in them, and it takes me tons of effort not to wear them

Sharon said...

Hi p!! Thanks so much but now you've made me think I need black AND red, instead of black OR red-haha!!

..... said...

the last red shoe is horrible but the rest is fuckin cool !!

Sharon said...

Hi and thanks for your opinion!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love the 1st and last pair!

Sharon said...

Hi b-thanks for stopping by and for your comment too!

AlicePleasance said...

I really really like the Shuffle Tassel Bar T Shoe

Ida said...

I really like the last model, it is just the perfect color and design, although I would rather not think of autumn just yet:))
Good night, dearest.

Anonymous said...

i love patent for fall! i absolutely killed one pair of mary janes and found them to chic, comfortable and classic! all these options you show are great!

Danz said...

I don't see anything wrong with the last pair :S but I guess everyone has their own taste. I like them all but the tassle bar and the Stella shoes are my faves! Hope you had a great day Sharon, and enjoy tomorrow!

Human Racing said...

I really like the red T-strap shoes. Are they from Top Shop?

Wendy said...

I've been coveting a pair of red shoes.

Sharon said...

Hi alice pleasance-thanks, they are cute!!

Hi Ida-I do know what you mean-we haven't had a proper summer yet!!thanks so much!!

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-Yes, patent is my first choice really, but any gorgeous red or black pair is fine!!

Hi danz-Thanks so much, sweetie! I love all the styles-I think they're all inspirational and I hope you have a lovely day today-thanks!!

Hi nay'chelle-Thanks and yes they are all available online at topshop!

Hi wendy-Yes, I have for ages-I really do want to get some asap!!

Charlotte said...

My fav's are on the last picture - I love Shuffle Tassel Bar T Shoes. The shoes look great and the name sounds soooo funny!

Make Do Style said...

Love the shuffle tassel t-bar and isn't it fun thinking of A/W!

Style On Track said...

Red shoes go well with so many outfits and they really add a bit of energy and character, although the black are so chic and classic, all these shoes are so wonderful :)

I also really like your outfit on the side bar, the simple blue jeans white tshirt, very stylish :)

Sharon said...

Hi Charlotte-they're great-something different too, I think!!

Hi Kate-Yes, a popular choice! It is fun to think about autumn, but I'm certainly not wishing summer away yet-haha!!

Hi on track-thanks so much for the comment on the jeans and white top-this was originally taken for pamcassos project a few weeks ago! I really love black and red shoes, I may end up getting a pair in each colour!!

AsianCajuns said...

Oh I so love, love, love that Shuffle Tassel shoe! That is so gorgeous: detailed and dainty-ish, but with a solid heel. Let us know what you get ;)

Sharon said...

Hi asiancajuns! to be honest, these are more for thrift inspiration rather than buying now-I hope I will score a cute vintage pair in patent red or black-if I do, I will show them straightaway!

nv said...

love the first pair and the red tassle shoes! <3

ellie said...

I love that last red shoe..looks like something you could dance in.

Sharon said...

Hi nv-thanks for stopping by and thanks for your comment too!

Hi ellie-yes very cute!!


you always leave such uplifting comments, thank you!! :)

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet! You're most welcome-have a great weekend!!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

The strap on the first pair makes it so beautiful.

Sharon said...

Hi Jen-I love these ones too!

Unknown said...

love the lasst shoe! Looks vintage with the heel height and round toe, no?

Sharon said...

Hi dana-yes, very true-very vintage inspired!!


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