
Photos of our day in London

We all went to St Katherines Dock a little while ago and Chris and I decided to go back today, as I didn't really want to go shopping in London. We thought we would go for an early lunch, beverages and a stroll-we had a gorgeous time!!

Todays outfit-Gianni Versace dress,
from Mrs Stings designer sale, £10 and black sandals, Primark £15

We arrived at St Katherines Dock and bought some sandwiches, cake and drink to eat on a lovely green overlooking the Thames-this was our view as we were eating!!!

After eating, we took a stroll around St Katherines Dock and stopped to admire the stunning yachts and power boats in the Marina!!

A pitstop at Cafe Rouge for a pot of earl grey tea for me and Chris-it was like a sun trap here and the boats here were spectacular-one was for sale for only £1.25 million-Chris wondered if they would take a cheque-haha!!!

Onwards to the Tower of London-hello Chris!!

Oh dear, the tides out-I wouldn't like to fall down there-haha!!!

The Tower of London!
The Queen's Stairs-where Royalty used these steps to go into the Tower!!

We had a lovely time here- I would recommend any one who comes to London to visit the Tower-although we didn't go in, there is plenty of information to read as you walk around!! We came back to Essex and I decided to go thrift shopping-I picked up a lovely black leather horsebit trim belt, a Cacharel scarf, a lovely fitted, soft brown leather jacket and inspired by lovely Silje, a wine coloured lambswool long line cardigan for Autumn!!


Lucy said...

yay! st kat's is where i live!!! i swear it doesn't feel like being in london at all, more like a seaside town! glad you had fun

Couture Carrie said...

Fun trip! You certainly had some gorgeous weather, and your pics are excellent. And it's official: you are the master (mistress?) of great vintage finds!!


Anonymous said...

Lovely, outfit. Love the sandals, too. You both looked love, actually. Aw..if only I could go there. Thank you for sharing.

And thank you so much for reading, too.

Sharon said...

Hi Elle-you are so lucky to live here-I would be here more often if the parking wasn't so dear-haha!!

Hi couture carrie-thats a lovely comment, thanks so much my dear!!

Hi ellie-always leaving me lovely comments-you are most welcome too!! keep up the good work!

WendyB said...

Oh my God!!! The dress fits you perfectly. I love it. Oh, and I took the red Zac Posen to the seamstress yesterday for alterations.

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy!! Thanks so much, always lovely as usual!! yay-so the Zac Posen should be up and running fairly soon then-great news!!

Always In Style said...

OMG I love your outfit - you look so incredibly chic, esp. sitting at that cafe...swoon....what I wouldn't give to look and do the same :-)

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-thanks so much, it was very decadent and lovely-haha!!

Mariel said...

wow that looks incredible! And I like your dress by the way

Anjeanette said...

you always have such great finds!!

Sharon said...

Hi mariel-thanks so much, i had a lovely time!!

Hi anjeanette-thanks so much, my dear!!

Mónica said...

I miss London so much!! It's soo beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing how many vintage bargains you find!

Sharon said...

Hi Atelier-I do love London, I'm lucky I live so close, I would never get bored of it! Plus, I must slow down on my spending-haha!!

Reena Rai said...

Loooove that dress! You must have had an amazing time, the weathers been so good!

Tricia said...

again, thanks mrs. sting, great dress on you! what a lovely day.

Siljesfashion said...

Hi Sharon, very lovely dress(great buy as always)and looks like you had a great time. Cant wait to see all of your buys, especially the cardigan!

Rice and Beans Vintage said...

I love the dress and the day looks amazing as well!

Anonymous said...

i love how you're also inspired by fellow bloggers! it's so funny how i now think of you all when getting dressed (even if i won't be taking pictures), since there's always a little something extra i can do to make my outfit a little better. you look great!


Beautiful outfit! Suits you perfect :-)


Secretista said...

I haven't been there in years!! It always amazes me how you find great outfits for cheap prices.

pearl said...

What a fun mini tour of London through your photos :) I've never been, but its definitely at the top of my list to visit!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion dreamer-thanks so much, yes I've made the most of the gorgeous weather!!

Hi fashion herald-yes I'm pleased with Mrs Stings stuff, haha!! Thanks so much!!

Hi Silje-thanks so much, a great inspiration as always!! Dare I say, it may be too hot to wear the cardi yet-LOL!!

Hi rice and beans vintage clothing-thanks so much, it was a wonderful day!!

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-yes, you are so right-its lovely to get inspiration from others for our own and future outfits!!

Hi Acielle-so kind, thanks a lot!!

Hi secretista-thanks so much my dear, London is fabulous!!

Hi pearl-thanks so much and for stopping by my blog-I'd recommend London anytime, its fantastic!

Anonymous said...

That's an amazing trip... )))

Hugs from Angel

thetinylittlegirl said...

aww it looks like you had a lovely time! love your dress too ;-)

Anonymous said...

What a nice look for a small trip :).

Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola said...

Oh my! Beautiful pics Sharon, as we were all together in London with you.

Sharon said...

Hi angel-yes, it was lovely, thanks!!

hi thetinylittlegirl-so kind, thanks a lot!!

Hi nadine-thanks my dear!!

Hi alice-thats a lovely comment, thanks so much!!

Me said...

Wow! Those are great photos. I have always wanted to go to London. One of these days, I hope to. It's just a matter of time. And money.

I hope you had a fabulous time...it looks like you did!

Sharon said...

Hi beka-yes it was really lovely, thanks so much!

Ida said...

Lovely pictures. It sure looks like amazing quality time with the hubby:)

I watched The Other Boleyn Girl yesterday, and the last few pictures are even more exciting to look at.

I am still in shock that British schools are full on at this time of the year *lol*

Loving the Cacharel scarf!

Sharon said...

Hi Ida-this is a film I want to watch too- well, I've got time now-LOL!! Yes, my 2 boys had their last day at school today, but this timescale is quite normal in England!! Thanks for your lovely comment too!

soph said...

ah looks like you've been having a lovely couple of days out...St Katherines Dock looks like a great place to pass time in the sun! Also loving your car boot finds...It seems the car boots near me only happen once a month, and nearly all on the same weekend, which is a bit difficult for getting around them all! The ones around you seem like they must be often and full of fab finds!

Sharon said...

Hi soph-thanks for your lovely comment, I did have a lovely time!! I suppose I'm lucky that where I live (East London/Essex borders) the boots sales are regular, in summer we have ones on Tuesday, Thursday, saturday and Sundays!

Anonymous said...

I love this dress! I still can't believe I missed out on such a great sale :(

Sharon said...

Hi geri-thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, fingers crossed, something like this pops up again soon!!

Karine said...



I'll start posting a story I made in my blog!
Hope you can visit me and read it!



Sharon said...

Hi karine-very kind, thanks so much for visiting me too!

Anonymous said...

very beautiful sceneries you have here. :) keep posting! :)


Jules said...

I added you im my blogroll. :) take care!

Sharon said...

Hi jules-thanks for your lovely comment and for stopping by!!


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