
DIY job number 1-Cut Offs - plus tagged!

Now summers here, I love wearing cut offs-at this length they are cool enough and comfy enough to wear in hot weather. My first pair that I did myself, my 7 for all mankind black jeans, are soo comfy that I really needed another pair on the go too.

7 for all mankind cut offs

So, last week I thought I would do the same to my Victoria Beckham rock & republic jeans, as I felt they were a little too short as jeans anyway, plus I wanted some blue cut offs.

This is the result-I'm really pleased as I have 2 pairs on the go now, plus a white pair which were already bought this length from Dorothy Perkins a couple of years ago.

I did some Levi's a couple of months ago, but on hindsight they were 'short' cut offs, meant for the beach, but really at that length I felt outside my comfort zone in them, so the charity shop and hopefully a new home has benefited from those ones!! I like the on the knee length as these can be worn anywhere, anytime.

I've been tagged by the gorgeous fashion chalet, to who I relay my sincerest apologies-I'm a complete technophobe, so was rather wary when I saw I had to do things with flickr (?) I'm definitely up for the tag but by question and answer format only-sorry for being such a donut!!

Here goes! 1. What is your first name? Sharon

2.What is your favourite food? An authentic indian curry-chicken dansak, preferably!!

3.What high school did you go to? Mayfield High School, Dagenham

4.What is your favourite colour? Currently red!

5.Who is your celebrity crush? Angelina Jolie, she is totally gorgeous!! I'd love her lips and figure!

6. Favourite drink? Gin & tonic

7. Dream vacation-any of the caribbean islands!

8. Favourite dessert-Flavoured ice cream-any is fine!!

9. What do you want to be when you grow up? haha, well I'm there already! I'm a high school catering assistant, a part time job I really love!

10. What do I love most in life? My husband, my boys, my mum and my wardrobe-haha!!

11. One word to describe me-Tolerant

12. My flickr name-Pass-sorry!!

A great tag-consider yourself tagged any of you who fancy doing this



Love your tee. I'm also partial to Bermuda cut offs in the summer time :)
it's ok about the tag, I had a hard time of it myself...

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-you're such a sweetie-thanks my dear!!


Great answers. I love the dessert and what you love most in your life (:

Couture Carrie said...

Long cut-offs are the way to go - work it!!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-aah,yes all the greatest loves of my life-including the ice cream-haha!!

Hi couture carrie-thanks so much, so kind!!

ellie said...

ummm...chicken curry.

Unfortunately, everytime I visit my grandparents in Texas..I throw up when I get there because my allergies really go crazy..I guess, nerves too, from the rocky roads.

Marte said...

Nice outfits! :)

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-poor you-that sounds rough!!

Hi marte-thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

hah! convenient, isn't it? i'm itching to do the cut-off thang too, but i'm scared once i start i can't stop.

AsianCajuns said...

the cut offs look fantastic!

WendyB said...

Tolerant is a nice thing to be.

yiqin; said...

You & The clothes horse are tempting me to cut off my jeans too! But I have been cutting so many of m clothes lately that I think if I touch my jeans, my mum will kill me! You look great though - as usual1

Make Do Style said...

Cut offs are so satisfying and yours are great!

Sharon said...

Hi p-why not go for it-just choose a pair of jeans that you don't wear too much anymore!!

Hi asiancajuns-thanks so much!!

Hi wendy-thank you, I have to be living with 3 males-haha!!

Hi yiqin-thats lovely-thanks!! How about using a pair of jeans that you don't wear too much anymore?

Hi kate-thanks so much-this length is definitely in my comfort zone-no shorter for me, haha!!

Anonymous said...

ah i this reminds me of a pair of cut offs i made like summers ago. i loved them. but then they disapired and i have a feeling my mom threw them out. ;( well you look great!

Mónica said...

I ve done some DIY with an old pair of Levis, but the result was not as good as yours.

Sharon said...

Hi emma-thanks a lot and thats too bad! Why not give it another try?

Sharon said...

Hi atelier-maybe try them with a different top, they might look differently, or if possible make a touch shorter!!

Tricia said...

that's the exact length I cut my jeans off to, also! and i like the new ones rolled up.

Cicely said...

Thank you so much for the shopping advice!! I did some cut offs but I'm worried there a bit too short, got a bit carried away... Yours look cool

Neve said...

hey, nice cutted jeans ... but what the hell is a flickr?

Times of Glory said...

Dear, sorry about the belated reply. I've been struggling to keep up blogging... just so busy. I love both outfits. The first one is so glamorous and the second one (You've got your new t-shirt on!) is such an effortlessly chic look!

The tag sounds so fun! I've also got tagged by the same topic but didn't know how to do flickr, and you saved my life xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Pamela Tan said...

yey ilike this tag!! :):)

ilove indian curries! yumyum! and angelina jolie is my goddess! xx

i havent tried cutting my jeans yet.. maybe i shud try soon :)

Sharon said...

Hi fashion herald-thanks, I think this is the best length suited for me!

Hi susan-you're welcome!! Yes, thats what I did with the levi's, bur I prefer this length on me really!

Hi fashionpuppy-thank you!! I don't know either-haha!!

Hi times of glory-thanks so much, always so lovely!! Haha, this tag on flickr, I'm relieved i'm not the only one who doesn't know anything about it-haha!!

Hi pammish-thanks a lot-yes do go for the cut offs too!!

Human Racing said...

Great job with the cut-offs! haha I like how your favorite drink is gin&tonic. It makes me think of that gin&juice song...

rg. said...

Oh I love cutoffs!

Sharon said...

Hi nay'chelle-thanks so much!!

Hi runaway gallery-yes they're cool, thanks!!

Anonymous said...

It was nice to found more about you. I love my family too and flavoured ice-cream as well )))

Hugs from Angel.

Cate said...

your cutoffs are really cool... the length is good too, i have some cutoffs which are too short for me too, maybe i should also give them to a charity shop... though charity shops are really picky here, they don't take everything.
haha, i don't even know what a flickr name is!
and about your "70s revisited" post: thanks for showing us the vest! i really like it, as i'm a music freak...

thetinylittlegirl said...

you look super cool as always, i'm so jealous of your warm weather, it's so chilly here at present!

Sharon said...

Hi angelgrotton-thanks so much, always so kind!!

Hi cate-thanks so much and I'm pleased I'm not the only one who doesn't know what flickr is!!

Hi the tinylittlegirl-thanks so much!!Its been hammering with rain today-haha, typical english weather!!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

You want Angelina Jolie's figure.
HA! That's funny 'cause I would kill for yours!

You look great!

Have a great one, my lover-lee.

Sharon said...

Hi cheryl lynn-its really her boobs, more than anything-haha!!

Rice and Beans Vintage said...

Great post! I love Carrie's hair in the last pic!

Sharon said...

Hi rice and beans vintage clothing-thanks so much, yes it's a great style!!


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