
Viva La Vintage!!

As you are aware from my header title, I really love vintage!! I have 50s dresses from my mum, 70s Ossie Clark dresses, 80s wear and although too young to be called vintage, pieces from the 90s too!! SATC ran from 1999 to 2004, with Carrie showcasing numerous times, vintage pieces that look totally timeless-here are some of my favourites :-)

A beautiful white vintage sundress-totally timeless!!

Another lovely vintage, my dear!!

A gorgeous vintage skirt!!

Vivienne Westwood vintage-I want it!!


Marte said...

Lovely! :)

Anonymous said...

ooooh two of my all-time favorite things combined into one post...SATC and vintage! i absolutely adore all the pieces you chose, specifically carrie's first dress that is the epitome of summer.

Sharon said...

Hi marte-thanks!!

Sharon said...

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-a white vintage sundress is definitely a wishlist item!!

WendyB said...

I want the Westwood too! And I love her hair in that one.

Sharon said...

Hi wendy, yes-we can fight over this one-loving it too!!

Pamcasso said...

I also would like the westwood sweatshirt, and that lovely skirt.

Madame Dior said...

i would definitely consider pieces form the 90's vintage =] i am in complete agreement with all of the SATC pics, how fabulous is that white summer dress!@

Sharon said...

Hi pamcasso-a 3 way fight, so far-haha!!

Hi madamedior-its a very interesting debate-what date constitutes vintage? Past the last 10-15 years, past that??

Ev'Yan || apricot tea. said...

I love all of these frilly dresses.

Sharon said...

Hi apricot tea-thanks, I agree!

Couture Carrie said...

Those full skirts are divine!!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Those dresses are absolutely beautiful. The vintage is definitely the way to go with dresses. They're gorgeous. It's blogs like yours that keep me abreast of the best vintage finds. Thanks so much for your time, research, an keen sense of elegance and style.

Keep up the good glamour!


thank you so much, SharonRose :)

oooh loving the Carrie pics, I still need to see the movie.. lol. i'm so lazy..

Sharon said...

Hi couture carrie-yes, they're lovely!!

Hi cheryl lynn-what a very lovely comment-I appreciate that very much, thank you!!

Hi fashion chalet-thanks, it is well worth seeing!!

Neve said...

oh i love it too! and the hairdo of carry in the last picture. but it would be no good for me..

your right, vintage is wonderful!

Sharon said...

Hi fashionpuppy-thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

It's all very nice, I could probably wear it all.

Nothing said...

Vintage is the best, I agree!

Sharon said...

Hi b-Yes, I would as well!!

Hi fashionable obsessions-thanks so much!!

Carolina Lange said...

Great post! I love those looks from Sex and the City!

Winnie said...

I love the second pic, I want to watch satc now!

Always In Style said...

My kingdom for the chance to lovingly admire one of your Ossie Clark dresses!



I love all outfits! Great choices Sharon Rose!!!

Sharon said...

Hi carolina lange-thanks for your comment and for stopping by too!!

Hi winnie,thanks-did you know there are re-runs on fiver on Wednesdays and Saturdays?

Hi always in style-I have one of me in a picture of my floral one, just click on my love of Ossie Clark to view!!

Hi style du monde-thanks so much, acielle!!

Mira said...

I just love it Sharon! And I love Carrie aswell!

Sharon said...

Hi mira-thanks so much, dear!!

Anonymous said...

very hot pieces ))) love them all!!!

hugs from Angel.

Anjeanette said...

I know I'm not the first to say this, but what I would give for her character's wardrobe!!!!

Siljesfashion said...

The first white dress is such a classic. I agree, all of these are in fashion today. Thats what I love about SATC. So many years later and its still in fashion. I usually watch episodes when i lack inpsiration or need a mood boost!! New Paris post today! Love Silje

Mariel said...

I LOVE the patterned skirt and the classic white dress- and by the way that green and white vintage 1950's dress you have is amazing!

Danz said...

Everytime I see that first picture I always feel the desire to get a lace parasol! I must purchase one some day, they're so lovely! The second and third outfits are really gorgeous - I love the vintage skirt!

I hope you're doing well my dear :) Have a great day!

Sharon said...

Hi angelgrotton-thanks so much!!

Hi anjeanette-yes, that would be lovely!!

Hi silje-yes, as you know only too well, thats the beauty of vintage!!thanks!!

Hi mariel-yes, I love the white dress too and thanks for your lovely comment too!

Hi danz-yes the lace parasol is just so divine-thanks for your lovely comment too! have a great day!!

AlicePleasance said...

You should showcase all ofyour vintage wardrobe! The 50s dresses and the - yum - Ossie Clark ones sounds great!!!

Sharon said...

Hi alicepleasance-thats so lovely, thanks!! I have links to my collections and 50s dresses and Ossie Clarks too!

Anonymous said...

love these pieces! vintage is always awesome-- if always makes me feel as though i'm wearing a piece of history--, and i only wish i had a sewing machine to better tailor the fit.

Sharon said...

Hi p-yes, I feel vintage can't be beaten-it can be cheap, but great quality, unique and original! I too wish I could use a sewing machine properly-maybe one day I will make the effort to use one!!

Reena Rai said...

Oh Ms Carrie Bradshaw, I've wasted soooo many hours obsessing over her wardrobe...her clothes, shoes and literally her wardrobe - it's hugenormous!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion dreamer-totally inspirational, for sure!!

Make Do Style said...

How we never tire of SATC!
It's great having little tasters ...and vintage debate well according to Wikipedia vintage is a generic term for all new and secondhand clothing originating from a previous era.
antique clothing is items produced before the 1920s & clothes produced from 1920s to 1980s is considerd vintage!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-thanks very much for the clarification-I wasn't totally sure about the 80s, but thats good to know!!

Anonymous said...

that off the shoulder dress is amazing

Anonymous said...

hiya great post ive been wearing vintage for ages now. my favourite shop is in hemel hemstead but also on web. Their site is www.devoted2vintage.co.uk its greta stuff and i think reasonable too. Have a look and maybe add the link to your site. The website is really funky too al paisley design very 70s.

Sharon said...

Hi barry s-thanks for your comment and for stopping by too!! I will check this out later!!


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