Carrie-ing on with the vintage theme which I'm so into at the moment, I thought I'd share some of Carries outfits from across the seasons of Sex and the City. I think they are great summer inspiration pieces, if you haven't already sourced that perfect summer look ;-))

That coat is my favorite.
Hi Wendy-yes, a gorgeous item, I love this look too!
This is a great post. I positively love SJP's look. These are all beautiful outfits. I do love the coat, but I think my favorite is the beautiful white Dior dress.
Hi Cheryl Lynn-thanks very much-always so lovely!! Yes, as much as I love vintage florals, a white dress in summer is just so stylish and timeless too!
Love your post, Sharon! Of course I am a sucker for vintage dresses and Carrie, so this is two for one. The first dress is a favorite and one I have been looking for some time. Its simply a perfect summer dress. The opera coat is beautiful and also a lust item. I finally posted the dress my mum got me, so take a peak when you have the time. Enjoy your saturday!
Hi Silje-haha, I'm quick, I've seen your lovely dress already!! Thanks so much for your lovely comment and yes, this 1st dress is vintage at its best! have a lovely weekend, Silje!
love the doir white dress. there is just something about white in the summer. so cool! adore colors too! it's just harder to find a white outfit that is totally flattering.
I love that $7 vintage dress that she's has on. It's really cute and I wish I had a dress like that. Great post.
Hi Savvy gal-yes, totally agree, white is gorgeous for summer!!
Hi fashion addict-yes, what a bargain, I'd love this too-haha!!Thanks so much!
The two 1st dresses are lovely!
Hi b-yes, I'd love these too!!
ooh i love that little floral mini dress in the second pic
Hi emma-yes, so gorgeous!!
I'm still searching for the perfect day maxi dress - love the red one on SJP.
I saw a lovley one in France but hesitated agh!
i miss that show..i drooled over their clothes each week!
I love that floral jacket.
Hi kate-yes, this red slip as a dress is daring but cute-i hate it when I hesitiate over something and then wish I'd got it!!
Hi quitecontrary1977-thanks for stopping by!!
Hi secretista-yes, totally gorgeous!!
haha Carrie'-ing on... I love all her florals.
Hi nay-chelle-haha, thanks my dear!!
carrie is absolutely fabulous.
her clothes are great.
love thrifting too.x
im loving the coat so much! aaahhh.. my florals are at home in manila, cant wait to wear them! :)
ps, thanks for the greeting love! :)
Hi frankie-lou and tallulah-thanks for stopping by my blog!!
Hi pam-yes, its a popular choice, hope you're feeling better!
communication is the downfall a lot of times in so many sorts of relationships. Thanks for the comment.
I love the floral touch, but that white dress is really so essential for summer. Great post.
Hi ellie-yes, communication is key. Thanks and have a great weekend!!
i love all of your picks, especially the floral coat its so beautifull
Hi madame dior-yes, she can do no wrong, i love all her outfits!!
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