
Savvy inspired outfit!!

First thing in the morning, I have my cup of tea, tidy the bedrooms and come and do some blogging. I love this time of day, it gives me a chance to get up to date with everyone plus I get some great inspiration too.
Well, thanks to Savvy Gal's latest post, I thought I would give my maxi skirt a different look and try it as a dress, belted up.

I thrifted a lovely vintage cardi on Tuesday-I think it is ideal with my dress/skirt!!

Thanks for inspiring todays outfit, Savvy Gal!!!


L.I.N said...

the skirt is real pretty when worn as a dress. and you always look soo cheery!

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

That is REALLY smart. I never thought about doing that to a long dress

Ida said...

Ah, so stylish and original! I just love the dress/skirt-belt-cardi combo, Sharon, looking fabulous.

Sharon said...

Hi eleh-so kind, thanks my dear!!

Hi fabulously broke-thanks very much-2 for 1, haha!!

Hi Ida-I think it was worth trying for one day-thanks!!

H wendy-thanks so much my dear!!

♔Jaimie said...

so pretty!! i love it!

Rose Valentine said...

Thats pretty!!

Anonymous said...

I love dresses with such a shape! Awesome :).

Sharon said...

Hi jaimie-thanks so much!!

Hi rose valentine-so kind, thanks!

Hi nadine-thanks a lot my dear!

Angela said...

thank you for you comments. I am glad I inspired someone this savvy morning. I think I want to find more skirts in various colors. Have a wonderful day!

MakeupByRenRen said...

love the dress, too cute!

Sharon said...

Hi savvy-thanks for your inspiration today, a great idea!

Hi makeupbyrenren-thanks so much for your lovely comment!

Secretista said...

So cutee!! Ya know, you're in great shape for a mother. Did I ever tell you that? Did I? Well mama, you are! Hott mama ;].

Anonymous said...

LOVING this belt on you. it creates such a slimming silhouette and with the little cardigan, it's simply perfect!

Sharon said...

Hi secretista-LOL-what a fabulous comment!thanks so much !!

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-thanks so much! I do love this belt, its so versatile and being neutral goes with anything!

Make Do Style said...

Cardi fab, idea brilliant and belt is so good as well! That cup of tea is very useful...

Richel said...

maxi skirts are so great! My dad actually got me a bunch, and I wore them just like that!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-thanks so much, I thought I would try this skirt/dress for today!! I agree, a cup of tea first thing is a must for me!

Hi richel-yes, it is such a versatile idea!! thanks for stopping by!

Wendy said...

You look very lovely!

Siljesfashion said...

Very cool Sharon! Love the flowers and the belted waist, just my kind of look. The cardigan is perfect for this dress!

Couture Carrie said...

Great work, Savvy & Sharon!!

Tricia said...

great idea, and you wear strapless so well!

Arielle said...

I'm with you! I cant go a morning without tea. I love how refreshing it is. and i like what you've done with the skirt. It's always fun to be able to wear a piece of clothing so many different ways

Cadmium said...

that is a lovely skirt as dress - i like it with and without cardi!

Human Racing said...

The skirt looks great as a dress. Love what you did with the belts!

Sharon said...

Hi wendy-thanks so much!

Hi Silje-always lovely, thanks a lot my dear!!

Hi Couturecarrie-thanks very much!!

Hi fashion Herald-thanks, its still a look I'm trying to get used to!

Hi arielle-thanks, I've just had mine today, haha!!

Hi karima-thanks for your lovely comment!!

Hi nay'chelle-so kind, thanks a lot!!

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

isn't the morning the most divine time of day, I'm at my most inspired...just like your outfit!

Sharon said...

Hi Imelda matt-yes, you're so right-thanks so much too!!

Anonymous said...

fantastic outfit ))) you combine everything flawless!

Hugs from Angel

Sharon said...

Hi angel-so nice of you, thanks!!


How pretty. Isn't blogging great because of this? (inspiring one another) very pretty color on you.

PS: I wish the pins were real too! ♥ ♥ How fun would that be??

Always In Style said...

You looks soo great in this.

I love the idea of wearing a maxi skirt as a dress. I'm still kicking myself for not buying the vintage YSL skirt that I found in a thrift for $35...I thought I looked ridiculous but maybe I should reconsider.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-thanks and you're so right, its lovely to get inspiration from each others blogs!!

Hi always in style-so kind, thanks!! I would sprint back to get that skirt-if in doubt, for the price always get a thrifted item!!


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