
Net-a-Porter sale! Bag a Designer bargain!

There's still plenty of bargains to be had-check out Net-a-Porters sale (click on my title) and catch those gorgeous designer goodies before they get snapped up :-))

Juicy Couture Tote, Now £63

Marni Clutch (not a coin purse!!), Now £119.25

Marc Jacobs JJ Leather Bowling Bag, Now £220.50

Chloe Sue White Patent Leather Bag, Now £275.50


rg. said...

oooh like the coin purse


You are so sweet. I told my Mom about your blog (hope that was OK?) she said it's really cute and love your style choices!

Sharon said...

Hi runaway gallery-it is actually a clutch-haha!!

Hi fashion chalet-of course thats fine-I'm flattered she likes my blog!!


Marni clutch is so cute!!! Thank you for the info :-)


Lucy said...

yes! my favourite sale!!

Sharon said...

Hi Acielle-yes it's a real cutie!!

Hi elle-I love Net a porters website too!!

Anonymous said...

the marc jacobs bag is so practical and stylish...i love it!

Sharon said...

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-yes, its very stylish and versatile!!

Wendy said...

The Marni clutch is so darling!

Sharon said...

Hi wendy-isn't it just!!!

Boho chic said...

I love the second purse!

Mónica said...

I love the Chloe one...

Couture Carrie said...

I love that little Marni clutch . . . I definitely assumed it was a coin purse when I posted it, though - oops!
Excellent find, SR!


aw, what a sweet comment. thank you SR!* you're so nice. I love the Marc Jacobs bag above (: great pick!

Vain and Vapid said...

I seriously must have that Marni clutch.

Pamcasso said...

why do I want everything from marni??

AsianCajuns said...

So much fun! Did you purchase anything?

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Thanks for the tip!! I love the chloe one especially.

Always In Style said...

One Marni and one Chloe por favor!

Pamela Tan said...

u my dear is my bag temptress! :)

Sharon said...

Hi boho chic-thanks and thanks for stopping by too!

Hi atelier-yes, I love this one too!

Hi couture carrie-yes, I had to check out the model carrying it, as I thought it was a coin purse at first too!!

Hi fashion chalet-you're welcome-yes the MJ bag is lovely!!

Hi vain and vapid-yes, this is really nice!!

Hi pamcasso-yes, I know what you mean-haha!!

Hi asiancajuns-I'm on a self imposed shopping ban, after Friday plus the Chanel bag too, I've got to save up now-haha!!

Hi Jen-thanks!! Yes, I'm loving this one too!!

Hi always in style-ditto-haha!!

Hi pam-haha, I aim to please!!

Anonymous said...

Great choices )) but the 2nd one is absolutely gorgeous )))

Hugs from Angel.

Sharon said...

Hi angelgrotton-thanks, I love this one too!!

nv said...

I love the chloe bag! I wish I could afford it! haha

Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola said...

Hi Sharon, thank you so much for the welcome back!
Now i have to read everything you wrote these weeks, i missed your blog when i was away on business.

Actually i'm looking for a dressy clutch, i have a wedding in august (i guess it will be too hot).

Sharon said...

Hi nv-yes, me too!!

Hi alice-thanks so much and nice to see you back!!!

Neve said...

i love the second one... really adoreable!

Cate said...

oh, i love the chloe bag! and about your last post: i really enjoyed the virtual glass of champagne ;-)

Siljesfashion said...

Hi Sharon, thank you for that lovely comment on my feature! I am all over this sale and have my eyes set on several of the DVF dresses, such bargains. Love it!

ellie said...

Actually, I'd love the pink one to carry all my stuff. Make a great bag for school. But I doubt I'd ever get to take it to school.

Very cool handbags!

Sharon said...

Hi fashionpuppy-yes, a real vintage piece!!

Hi cate-thanks and cheers!!!

Hi Silje-yes, there are some gorgeous things on Net a Porter-its what to choose, thats the thing!!

Hi Ellie-yes, the juicy tote looks really versatile!!

Rose Valentine said...

Ooh I LOVE the first bag! Cute bag.

Sharon said...

Hi rose valentine-thanks for stopping by, so kind!!

Me said...

That coin purse is awesome!!!
(I added you to my blog roll)

Rose Valentine said...

Oh your welcome! Thanks for visiting! Please come again. :)Your blog is so cute.

Sharon said...

Hi beka-thanks and thanks for stopping by!!

Hi rose valentine-thanks so much!!

Secretista said...

I love the marc jacobs one!

Mira said...

I'm not a fan of white bags, but that one from Chloe was really cute. And I also lived that Mari Clutch. OOOH... So many bags I want, Sharon :)


Sharon said...

Hi secretista-yes, very stylish!!

Hi mira-yes, I agree-this one is totally gorgeous-thanks!!

Marte said...

I really like the bag from Chloe and the one from Marc Jacobs!

Sharon said...

Hi marte-yes, they are both really gorgeous-thanks!!


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