
DIY job number 2-Chain Bag shortened

My husband Chris is fantastic at DIY, so last week I was so happy to say, oh shorten the chain on my Tula bag please, thinking it would be no problem for him at all!! Uh-oh, a big mistake-he gave it back and the chain was horribly twisted and deformed!! Haha, I'm laughing now-I wasn't then! To say I sulked was an understatement and also rather over the top by me. Because I then actually realised, if I had asked him to shorten the chain at the joins, rather than the middle (as requested by me) then the chain wouldn't be deformed looking! So back to square one, the piece of chain that was to go in the bin, was now going to be the new strap! So out came the pliers and Chris was back on the job!! yay, with better results-I just had to add some of the leather thonging through part of the strap and glue it-but voila ---

AFTER- a new style, more versatile and wearable with a shorter strap!!

BEFORE-The bag before it was reworked. I already have a long chain strap bag (well 3 others actually) so I could afford to play about with this one!!

So if any of you lovely ladies attempt a strap shortening job, start at the joins-not in the middle of the strap, like me-doh!!


WendyB said...

Very nice!

Sharon said...

Hi there Wendy-thanks, hopefully it will be used more!!

Nothing said...

That bag is very cute! I have one similar.

Sharon said...

Hi fashionable obsessions-thanks so much, they are very versatile style bags!!!

yiqin; said...

Wow, thanks for the advide! I think I'll just cut in the middle if I wanted to shorten it too!

Sharon said...

Hi Yiqin-yes, you can learn from my mistake-haha!!

Lucy said...

fab bag - and thanks for the tip!

Sharon said...

Hi elle-thanks a lot!!

Shes Dressing Up said...

Good tip! I have a few bags that I'd wear more if the strap was a different length

ellie said...

That is so cool. I love it when a man is handy that way...

Thanks for the feedback.

Anonymous said...

Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Poor hubby!

meliindaa. said...

nicee. the bag looks great!

nv said...

very cute, I liked them both ways

AsianCajuns said...

Looks great! Show us your next outfit with it ;)

Winnie said...

Hehe, I'm glad you were able to save it! I really like it shortened, must look quite cute on your shoulder!

Wendy said...

Yeah, I think shortening the strap was a good idea.

Tricia said...

oh, I can relate to that kind of a minor freak-out! poor husbands...but it always ends well, as your picture shows!

Human Racing said...

Nicej ob. Will definately remember that bit of advice!

Terren said...

good work chris!

Sharon said...

Hi nic-yes, thats the same as me, but I've only attempted this once-not sure if I can be bothered to do any more-haha!!

Hi ellie-yes, Chris will try anything, generally! keep up the good work too!

Hi b-thanks so much!!

Hi ladies who lunch-haha, poor me-my bag was nearly ruined!!

Hi i think thats hautte-thanks a lot!!

Hi nv-thanks!!

Hi asiancajuns-yes, I'll try and do that!!thanks!

Hi winnie-yes, thanks!! I'm into short strapped little bags at the moment!!

Hi wendy-thanks, I wanted a little black bag!

Hi fashion herald-I laugh about it now, but I wasn't then-haha!!

Hi secretista-thanks so much, honey!!

Hi nay'chelle-thanks so much!!

Hi terren-thanks a lot-I've passed the message on too-haha!!

Anonymous said...

Adorable bag )))

Hugs from Angel.

Sharon said...

Hi angelgrotton-thanks so much!!

Make Do Style said...

Dangerous with pliers! you are officially now bag DiY expert

Pamela Tan said...

nice job! thanks for the tip sharon! :)

Sharon said...

Hi kate-yes, I can't be trusted with pliers either-thanks!!

Hi pammish-thanks and you're welcome!!

Mira said...

Wow! Nice work sweetie!

Sharon said...

Hi Mira-thanks so much, dearest!!

Siljesfashion said...

Thank you for that wonderful comment about my Paris showcase, I truly apprciate it! Great job with the DIY, the bag looks very nice, and I think you can get some very good use out of it. I still cant believe that I did not find a single vintage item in Paris. However, last night I won a darling dress on ebay for 10 dollars, so I am happy!

Times of Glory said...

How amazing! Dear, it wasn't the easiest job, but well well well done! That looks perfect!

P.S. I cannot wait to meet your girls tomorrow. Are you going to shopping? When? I was saying to Wendy as well. I hope I can join you, but I have to see if I could leave office earlier xx

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-how typical to go on our travels abroad only to buy something online from home-haha!!

Hi times of glory-I've answered you on your post-thanks for the lovely comment too!!

Cate said...

you learn from your mistakes ^^ no, it turned out beautifully! i love the bag! actually i liked it with the long strap too, but it's cool with the short one and if you already have a similar bag with a long strap - i agree, you can afford to play around with this one! it's very chanel. oh, and about the comments above: it seems that all of you ladies know each other personally, how cool is that? well, i bet you will get a lot of use out of that bag.

Sharon said...

Hi Cate-thanks so much, funnily enough, see my new post-a Chanel bag-haha!! We are all meeting for the 1st time Cate-how cool is that!!


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