
Bag A Bargain for World Aids Day

What better way of bagging a lovely colourful bag for winter and giving to charity in the process?
Available from 6 December at Gap, Oxford Street is this gorgeous flannel red Mulberry Bayswater bag for £95, AND a whopping 50% goes to help AIDS/HIV sufferers as part of World Aids Day-click on my title to see the Times article for more information

Go on, brighten up your winter, its soo gorgeous!!!


Siljesfashion said...

Great deal and a good cause! Did you start your holiday shopping yet? I am halfway through my list, and very excited!

Angela said...

oh yummy.... i hope you get it. sooooooo delicious.

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-yes, I have managed to get most done now, just a few more left to get!!

Hi Savvy-well I would get it, but I already have a red bag, its by Lush and is Balenciaga style. I would have done otherwise!!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose,

Great @ good post...Lovely bag...


Seeker said...

Very cute bag and to help such a good cause. Hope they'll manage to sell a lot.

Take care dear, hope you'll have a wonderful December


Cate said...

This way, you really do two good deeds in one - one for World Aids Day and one for yourself! 50%, that is really much and I appreciate it. Usually they only ever give 1% or something, and that really makes me ask - what's the point? But 50%, that's good. The bag is gorgeous too. Our Politics teacher told us about World Aids Day today too.

Sharon said...

Hi janettaylor-yes, lovely indeed!

Hi the seeker-yes, I hope its a sell out! have a lovely december too!

Hi cate-yes, for a change its great a charity are benefiting by a decent cut and the buyer gets a great deal too!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'll have to see if the U.S. Gap stores are running the same offer. How wonderful!

WendyB said...

That is very cute.

Sharon said...

Hi sal-I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!

Hi Wendy-yes, it is lovely!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely gorgeous and for a good cause too. Thanks, I'm glad you like the header. Hopefully, the story won't be too confusing.

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

I twittered about this, it's sooooo gorgeous! Really hope you manage to get one so that I can live vicariously through you :)

MakeupByRenRen said...

wow great cause!

Anonymous said...

Very good deal and a good cause as well. You would think after 20 years that they would have found a cure for AIDS by now. This purchase however am sure will go to assist those especially in Africa where they are suffering very badly from disease. Great highlight for World AIDS Day.

Anonymous said...

this is great!! :)

La C.

Mónica said...

Is it in leather? Oh my God! I was saving for the "real" Bayswater... please, answer me back, is it possible to order online? thanks a lot for sharing!!

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-thanks my dear, I like catching up with your story!

Hi s-sadly, i won't be getting it-I hope someone else does!!

Hi ren-yes indeed my dear!!

Hi budget chic-yes, you are so right, lets hope they raise a lot of money this year.

Hi la couturiernyc-i agree!

Hi atelier-sadly, its not online but there is a telephone number, maybe you can order it over the phone?

Cate said...

Hi Sharon! Thank you for the comment about the make-up pictures! There won't be too many of these in the winter season, because of the obvious reasons I have mentioned - the electric light changing the colours and so on... But on weekends or something, I guess there will be some..

the healthy ghost said...

Great deal for a good purpose

Terence Sambo said...

absolutely fantastic the way the fashion world is helping in the fight against aids :o0

Do drop by my blog, i got a new interview with one of the hottest male models right now.

Anonymous said...

Really cute bag. Elegant and attractive )))

Sara Luxe said...

wow what a good idea. stunning bag too ! xx

Tricia said...

half to charity, good job Gap! can't believe you and Siljes are almost done with your Xmas shopping! Jealous.

Sharon said...

Hi cate-you're soo welcome my dear!!

Hi the healthy ghost-yes, too true!!

Hi terencesambowrites-thanks for stopping by, I'll check you out!

Hi angel-yes, I really love it!

Hi seralouise-yes, a real good deal!

Hi fashion herald-well, I've tried to be more prepared this year, LOL!!

Marian said...

great cause,gorge bag!!would not mind splashing £95 quid on something so worthwhile!

Sharon said...

Hi marian-yes, a really ace deal!!

ellie said...

Thanks for the note. Hope you are having a good week.

Thank you for reading.

Reena Rai said...

Great cause. I love the bag and the other bits and pieces Gap are doing

Strawberry Fields said...

is it only available on oxford street? i love how so much goes to charity though, fashion for a good cause always make me feel better about debts!

Mónica said...

I was hoping it was leather...I guess I must keep on saving for the "real" one

jess said...

Its so great they are giving alot of the profits to a good cause.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-have a good week too!

Hi fashion dreamer-I agree my dear!

Hi strawberry fields-yes, it looks like it is only through Oxford Street.

Hi atelier-happy saving my dear!

Hi jess-yes, most definitely!


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