
Louis Vuitton International Wallet cum Shoulder Bag

Early on this year, we went to Stephenson's Farm boot sale and I scored a genuine Louis Vuitton 'International' wallet for the princely sum of £1. The girl who was selling it said because it was worn and battered, she just wasn't interested in keeping it, despite it being the real deal (they are currently £270!).
Obviously, I don't trifle in such whims, as long as something is serviceable, I'm happy and I knew if I left it behind someone else would soon have it.

Well, its just been sitting with my other purses doing nothing, until I thought of some very easy customisation for it. I added my blingy chain to it and voila, a lovely little posh shoulder bag which will hold money, cards and a key.

I used to have a couple of Louis Vuitton bags, but I sold them a couple of years ago on Ebay. I've just given away some bags I didn't want anymore, I've scaled right back on my bags and only kept the ones I really love. Now, I'm back on a bag buzz and can't stop browsing on Gucci and Louis Vuittons e-shopping sites!! This custom job will have to fulfill my designer itch for the moment!!


Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Louis is timeless and you can never have too many. And it's so cool how creative you are.

Anonymous said...

Wow Sharone!
The bag looks perfect! You must be a master of customisation, because it looks like new. And only for 1 quid? You gotta be joking! :)

Sharon said...

Hi lenya-thanks very much for your lovely comment!!

Hi La Mimi-thanks a lot, yes what a price, huh!!

Terence Sambo said...

great find! i'm looking to cop the lv monogrammed passport cover n i dnt wanna spend a lot..

Siljesfashion said...

Sharon, you are great at fixing things up! This looks fantastic, perfect for the holidays!

yiqin; said...

So lucky!! I can't wait for the day to own my very own SPEEDY!

Sharon said...

Hi terencesambowrites-thanks a lot, good luck with the passport cover!

Hi wendy-thanks so much my dear!!

Hi Silje-thanks for your lovely comment, its something different!

Hi yiqin-thanks my dear, I was looking at the speedys too, but out of my price range for the moment!!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon! :)

You are a creative girl :) I adore your new LV look...

Do you remember my idea? HAHA! Variations one of my favourite chanel bag? Hmmmm?


xoxo: Janet

Sharon said...

Hi janettaylor-thanks a lot my dear and yes, your chanel post was very inspiring!!

Angela said...

super savvy find sharon....

Sharon said...

Hi savvy-always lovely thanks my dear!

Deb said...

Hi Sharon! Great Idea! Now you can wear it and don't have to hide it down inside a larger purse. I've been so busy with Christmas decorating and shopping for the grand kids and cooking and cleaning, must I go on? I haven't had time to visit like I want to. But I'm back for a while now. Glad you're doing great and still finding those great things that you seem to have an eye for. Deb

Sharon said...

Hi Deb-so pleased you are well my dear, thanks for the lovely comment too!!

Anonymous said...

So clever - well done, Sharon Rose!

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-so lovely of you, thanks!

Marian said...

darling what a great piece of customisation sweetheart!now its can double as a bag and purse.
well done dear.

Dana (MODAna) said...

hehe cuteness
Maybe I'll do this to my wallet?
but nah
I've got the pochette
it'd be silly.

saray said...

Love what you did with the bag!
and wow! great buy..

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

What an AMAZING find!

Reena Rai said...

No way, what a fool! But her loss is your gain ;) I saw a LV shoulder bag in Rokit once, £45 so I decided to mull it over and an hour later it was gone :o(

Anonymous said...

Oh, this looks great! You are so clever :)

Mónica said...

I don't like LV logo, I don't know why, but actually the only thing by LV I'd buy if I had the money would be the limelight clutch, but for that money, it's a total bargain!

Anny said...

That's genius!

And the price is nuts - is this your best find price-wise?

Sharon said...

Hi marian-thanks my dear, I may use it more now!!

Hi dana-yes, I did have a pouchette too!!

Hi Saray-thanks a lot my dear!

Hi S-so lovely of you, thanks my dear!

Hi Fashion Dreamer-oh I hate it when that happens!!

Hi Miss Thrifty-thanks for your lovely comment!

Hi Atelier-oh yes, for that money I had to grab it!!

Hi Anny-thanks my dear!! No, my best buy was my Gucci purse for
20p and it had £100 in a money bag hidden inside, LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, LV clutch ))) luxurious

Sharon said...

Hi angel-thanks my dear!!

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

$1 is such a deal!

Even if the LV print is not really my style.... :)

Sharon said...

Hi fabulously broke-yes, for that money, I'll use it once in a while, haha!!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, nobody can reach out thrift bargains better than you, you got everybody beat in that game! If they trying to hide it, you will find it! LOL What a score!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-oh how lovely of you!! thanks a lot, it had to be bought for the price!!


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