
Thank You ALL!!

Hi Everyone,

A big thanks for all your kind wishes this week.

They are very much appreciated and I'm slowly feeling better-hope to venture out in the next couple of days to try and catch up with everything, haha!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and I wish you all well too!


Shes Dressing Up said...

I hope you feel lots better soon, even the last stages of the flu can be rubbish =[!

Sharon said...

Hi Nic-thanks so much, I'll be able to catch up with everyone today, as I don't feel like going out yet!

Seeker said...

Get really well soon dear!!


Sharon said...

Hi the seeker-thanks so much my dear!

Anonymous said...

Feel better. :(

Sharon said...

Hi my fashion frenzy-so kind, thanks!

Angela said...

oh good you are feeling better.

ellie said...

Hope you got all that shopping done for christmas! thanks so much for the note. & stay on the mend, as well.

Siljesfashion said...

Hope you are feeling better!! Just cosing up inside and taking it slow, seems to be a good idea. Hope your family is taking care of you!

Couture Carrie said...

Glad you are on the mend!!


Sharon said...

Hi Savvy-thanks so much my dear!

Hi Ellie-thanks a lot, just food shopping really to sort now!

Hi Silje-yes, everyones rallying around, thanks so much my dear!!

Hi couture carrie-thanks for the well wishes my dear!

WendyB said...

Still no package from America, eh? I guess they're having someone walk it over, which is challenging what with the whole ocean thing.

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-What a real shame, unfortunately not-BUT, still 3 delivery days to go before Christmas, I won't give up hope!!

www.janetteria.com said...

I am glad that you are feeling better. Your post were missing. I adore your blog. ;)

xoxo: Janet

Marian said...

darling glad your a tad better,but wish you a speedy full recovery sugar.
xx big hug

Sophia said...

hey! it's been foreverrr since i've talked to you! =]
i'm sorry to hear you've been sick. i hate getting sick x[

Sharon said...

Hi Janettaylor-always so lovely, thanks a lot!

Hi marian-thanks so much my dear, you are such a sweetie!

Hi Sophia-thanks my dear-hope you are well!

the healthy ghost said...

Hope you feel ok¡

Anonymous said...

drink lots of tea; it'll help! & take advantage of this time to catch up on tv shows or book reading :)

La C.

Sharon said...

Hi the healthy ghost-yes, getting there, thanks so much!

Hi lacouturiernyc-thanks very much for your lovely comment, I'm doing just that!


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