The Mail on Sunday have done a delightful article on Coco Chanel and how inspirational she has been on the fashion world. It goes without saying she is a true icon and her style is just so influential and inspirational for all of us as time goes by.
My most favourite purchase of the year was undoubtedly my Chanel Jacket from Mrs Stings designer sale and I had my bestest day too with the gorgeous WendyB. Its great when you pick up a really gorgeous must have item and every time I look at that jacket, I have such wonderful memories of the day I had too.
My other Chanel purchase of the year was the red bag below, from Always Authentic, a reliable seller of genuine designer bags.

I adore my jacket-I haven't worn it yet, but it is certainly the most favourite item I have in my wardrobe. To own a Chanel piece is a great pleasure and if a bag or jacket is financially out of reach, then a Chanel lipstick, nail polish or perfume would be an ideal Christmas present for yourself or a loved one. Be inspired by Chanel and link over to the article above, its a great inspirational read!!
Hi darling!
I have just made myself a cup of tea and I'm going to head over to The Mail to read the article. :)
I don't own many Chanel items yet, but I really appreciate the ones that I have. My most wanted Chanel item is probably a black quilted Chanel 2.55. I'm really looking forward to the day when I will be able to purchase it :)
I think you should make a New Year's resolution to wear that jacket!
Wow, thanks for sharing the article! Ah how I wish the day I will be able to own something from Chanel will come soon!!
they are just beautiful! chanel is one of my favourite designers. have a lovely christmas!
Hi Sahron, i wrote about this article a few days ago, great minds think alike! Your Chanel bag is such a gorgeous colour and shape. Em x
Hi Sharon
I adore your Chanel things...
I am a Chanel fan, you know this already. Unfortunately I haven't Chanel blazer (yet), but I wait for the occasion the suitable price. :)))) I have similar tweed blazer, that enrich single with Chanel brooches, for example
However I have many shoes and accessories (bag, cardcase, brooch, neklace...) I got a good offer for a January onto two pieces Chanel skirts. I will buy them! I wait for it hardly already.
xoxo: Janet
Hi Sharon! I always love your goodies! Blessings to you and yours and best wishes for a Merry Christmas! Deb
Hi Sharon! That Chanel bag you got is gorgeous! And the jacket is definitely a classic too - you should wear it sometime! Unfortunately, Chanel clothes or accessories are really out of my financial reach, but I adore Chanel make-up!
How wonderful! Yes, both the jacket and the handbag is great buys! I totally understand about the memories and how you asscociate certain memories with the things you love. I wish you a wonderful christmas! I hope you have a great time with your family and get to relax and enjoy the holiday season!! Love Silje
Hi LaMimi-thanks for your lovely comment! I too love the 2.55, maybe one day, haha!!
Hi Skye-It will definitely get worn next year!
Hi Yiqin-hope you get even a little something of it my dear!
Hi Strawberry Fields-thanks so much my dear and you have a great xmas too!
Hi Em-thanks for your lovely comment, I must have missed your post!
Hi Janettaylor-yes, a fellow Chanel fan too, I love your collection as well! look forward to seeing the new skirt!
Hi Wendy-it was the highlight of my summer my dear!
Hi Deb-thanks so much and you have a happy xmas too!
Hi Cate-thanks for your lovely comment, hopefully you will have a little Chanel something one day!
Hi Silje-thanks for such a lovely comment and I wish you and your family a very Happy Xmas too!!
wow, what a find that jacket was!!!
and hope you have a great christmas and new year! :)
hello darling,glad your better is an icon forever in style and fashion.your chanel jacket and bag are both divine!
happy holidays my sweet,and the mention of how excited your boys are made me style on my blog.
have a blessed new year too dear.
muah x
Look forward to seeing both of those classic Chanel pieces in action!
Hi demi-thanks so much and you have a good xmas too!
Hi Marian-thanks a lot my dear-the youngest one can't wait, haha!
Hi Sal-thanks my dear, I'll definitley wear the jacket sometime next year!! The bag already debuted this summer with my white summer dress!
thank you! all the best for 2009, what are you hoping to get under your tree this year? =) x
Hi strawberry fields-oh, its all for my boys, haha-Rob is 9 and Chris is 15, so they can't wait!! I've got a secret santa pressie from work and hubby bought me a bag already!!
Chanel's story is inspiring and what a glamourous life she lead. I would love to own a classic chanel piece one day...
Hi Winnie-hope you do one day my dear!
that jacket is fab!
La C.
"every time I look at that jacket, I have such wonderful memories of the day I had too"
I love items like that
thank you so much!!
Just wanted to stop by and say Merry Christmas - I hope you have a great day! :)
Andrea xxx
I NEED chanel...i've probably said this before but it is only right that i have something with that iconic logo on it since my initials are CC!!! (my birthday is in january, in case you want to start shopping for me now. haha! just kidding :) )
first of all, Merry Christmas, and second, that jacket is amazing! I was so jealous when you posted it in your blog a few months ago!!! you were so lucky, it was such a bargain! the bag is brilliant;)
totally yummy buys. i am sure you will enjoy your chanel pieces for years to come. i do!
OMG that jacket is so amazing, you def must wear it!!!
Have a great Holidays season my dear
Great jacket! Have you seen the lifetime movie on Coco Chanel it was really good.
Oolala! One day we hope to be proud Chanel owners like you! We loved the post you did on the Chanel jacket- it made us appreciate the craftsmanship even more!
Hi lacouturiernyc-thanks so much my dear!
Hi anny-yes, a lovely reminder of good times!!
Hi demi-you're welcome my dear!
Hi andrea-thanks so much, happy christmas to you too!
Hi Cal-I so agree, hope you get something soon, haha!
Hi atelier-thanks for your lovely comment and happy xmas to you to my dear!
Hi savvy-oh, I wouldn't be without my darling jacket, haha!!
Hi the seeker-thanks so much my dear!
Hi Jess-thanks a lot-Haven't seen this, I'll look out for it, thanks!
Hi Asian Cajuns-thanks for your lovely comment, gals!!
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