
Hope I do too!!

Looking this good in my 50s, that is!! Looking through Vogue for January 2009, I just had to show these pictures of Jo Wood, aged 53, sporting her Les Chiffoniers leather leggings.
I think she looks soo gorgeous and gives 20, 30 and 40 somethings a run for their money in the style stakes.

Similiarly, Carine Roitfeld, 50 also looks super fabulous, rocking in her denim skirt ensemble.

It just goes to show, style is for all ages-its the attitude you have that says it all, however old or young you are or feel!!


Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

I think you look AMAZING!!!!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose

Are you better? Flu is awful illnes! Brrrr...

Post : Lovely, absolutly rock n' roll chic but it wouldn't suit me.

kisses: Janet

Sharon said...

Hi Lenya-thanks my dear, always so lovely!

Hi Janettaylor-thanks my dear, I'm getting there, haha!

Eeli said...

Well said Sharon,

Its important to be honest with yourself and never stifle your own creativity and style to appease the masses. Something that too many people are unfortunately doing.


Sharon said...

Hi Eelie-thanks so much, I think self confidence is an important part of this too!

Seeker said...

You look so great darling that I'm sure who will look as well when you reach the 50's.


Sharon said...

Hi the seeker-always so lovely, thanks!!

Siljesfashion said...

Of course you will rock the 50s!! Great pictures!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-yaay, I'm not wishing my years away, but I hope so, haha!!

Marian said...

darling you look fabulous ,they say your only as old as you feel ;o)
muah x

Sharon said...

Hi marian-so true indeed, thanks my dear!


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