
Sequin Top-Update

Hi there!!

Unfortunately, its a nay for the moment, as I'm not able to get back to get the purchase!! Things are hectic at home, as all male members of the family are sick and off school, I've been doing chores for my mum where she is still recouperating from a broken ankle and our car is out of action-temporarily but maybe permanently if we can't get it fixed.

With so much going on, if I get back to the charity shop this week, I'll be lucky if its still there-watch this space, haha!

But, if it is, the ideas I've had are better than the original that I had planned:

Cal suggested wearing it with a cardi over the top like Sal at Always Pretty or with a thick scarf

Marian suggested wearing it under a floaty dress, or with a chiffon blouse and tailored slacks, or like she did, with a leather jacket over the top and a vintage satin skirt.

Couture Allure Vintage fashion suggested wearing it as a wide belt too!!

Thanks for all your suggestions, I'll let you know if I strike lucky with one soon!


www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon,

Oh... :((((
Improving and good luck!
Hungarian saying: What is late does not go by! :)

xoxo: Janet

Sharon said...

Hi janettaylor-thanks so much my dear!!

Strawberry Fields said...

well if it has that many looks it must have a very low cost per wear and at £3 you can not miss it! try them all, they sound fabulous!! sorry i haven't commented in a while =(

Anonymous said...

Hope your mother will be healing up and feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh hon, hope things get less hectic ... and that they can fix your car! Yikes.

Emma x said...

I hope you get the cnance to go get the top, fingers crossed that nobody else buys it. Also sending good luck vibes to all the boys in your family. x

Skye said...

I hope everyone (including the car) is feeling much better soon. The charity shops need you!

jess said...

Hope your family gets better! If the sequin top is long/strechy enough you could wear it as a skirt.

Deb said...

Hi Sharon! I just read you last post and it's a yay for me! I hope you can get back there in time to get it. I has so many possibilities! Deb

Jen said...

Oh i do hope you get it!!

Seeker said...

I'm sorry to hear that.
Hope things get better soon and you still find your top, because you've great ideas there.


WendyB said...

What a drag about the car!

Sharon said...

Hi strawberry fields-thanks for your comment and for dropping by!

Hi budget chic-so kind of you, thanks a lot!

Hi Sal-hopefully hubby will work on it when his flu is better, fingers crossed!

Hi Em-thanks for such a lovely comment!!

Hi Skye-thanks my dear and I must admit, I need them too from time to time, LOL!

Hi jess-thanks my dear, the top is only little, it's only ok as a top!

Hi Deb-thanks so much, I will try!!

Hi the paper doll-thanks my dear!

Hi the seeker-yes, everyone has given me a lot of inspiration, thanks my dear!

Hi wendy-yes, a bummer, but its amazing how quickly you get used to being without one too!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear!
I'm really sorry to hear about your family, hope they feel better soon...
And of course the car, that must be a pain in the neck...All at once!
Please stay positive, I'm sure things will turn around :)
I like Marian's suggestion :), can't wait to see you try it :)

Sharon said...

Hi LaMimi-thanks so much for your lovely comment!

ellie said...

I do hope things get better at home. Somehow winter just makes things more miserable. I hope everyone will be on the mend.

Thank you so much for the note.

Sharon said...

Hi Ellie-thanks so much for your lovely comment!

Cate said...

Hi there! Hope your mum gets better soon! I like Cal's and Marian's suggestions for the sequin top, and wearing it as a belt is not bad either!

Sharon said...

Hi Cate-thanks so much my dear, they are great suggestions!

Anonymous said...

hey sharon i just found your blog randomly ;) i love it ! im from paris ill be back to visit it better ( sorry for my english !)
ps : love these balenciage bags especially the red one !
bonne soirée!

Sharon said...

Hi boubou-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!!


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