
Interview with La Mimi

Hi everyone!

I was very pleased and privileged when the gorgeous La Mimi asked if she could do an interview on me, to be her Fashion Idol of the Week.

If you care to take a look, click on my title to view the interview and check out her fabulous and amazing blog. She regularly does fashion features, beauty features, dress your style and celebrity features and the lady herself is very gorgeous and talented, as her blog shows.

Hope you can check it out!


saray said...

wow thats awesome.. congrats

Seeker said...

Congratulations, my dear!!!!!!!!
That's a sooooooo nice interview.
I left a little note there.


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

headed right there...congratulations!!!

Couture Carrie said...

So fab!


www.janetteria.com said...

Congratulation fashionable Sharon! Your Sonia Rykiel top is fantastic!

xoxo and hugs: Janet

Anonymous said...

You got me blushing darling:)
The pleasure is all mine!

Angela said...

Congrat Sharon. Will be checking out your interview with La Mimi.

Anonymous said...

Wooo hoooo! Congrats, lady!

Marian said...

darling this is fabulous! so deserved my sweet.just read the feature and had to come say CONGRATULATIONS my sweet.love the answers to the interview!
fab feature my sweet Sharon.
big kiss,

Make Do Style said...

So fab - love it!!

Jules said...

this is a privelege! what a great surprise! do well, mama! mwah!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the great comments, it was lovely to be featured on the gorgeous La Mimis blog!!

Camille said...

nice blog!
and nice interview!

=) =)

Sharon said...

Hi camille-thanks a lot for stopping by !!


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