
Thinking Pink at Net-A-Porter

You would feel very pretty in pink in one of these gorgeous dresses, now available at Net-A-Porter. Click on my link to visit their website and check out what they have to offer for spring and summer 2009:

Vivienne Westwood, £170

Marc Jacobs, £318

Alexander McQueen, £661

Vivienne Westwood Anglomania Monroe dress, £300

Catherine Malandrino, £367
Have a fabulous weekend everyone, keep warm and cosy!!


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

i'll take all of them, please :) i honestly can't pick a favorite, i'm smitten with them all!

WendyB said...

Something about Alexander McQueen's pinks always appeal to me. I just got a beautiful pink ombre gown by Zang Toi, by the way!

Anonymous said...

Sigh. One of each, please! I can't get enough of bright, vibrant pinks.

Cate said...

Hi Sharon!
That Alexander McQueen dress has the nicest shade of pink in my opinion :)

Angela said...

Sharon, I love pink. love the first vivienne westwood dress.

Sharon said...

Hi Emily-I know what you mean, LOL!!

Hi Wendy-Your dress sounds gorgeous, hope to see you in it one day soon!

Hi Sal-yes, a perfect pick me up colour to drool over!

Hi Cate-yes a very stunning dress!

Hi Savvy-yes, you've picked my favourite, I really love this one too!

Anonymous said...

I'll take the Marc dress please..

Sharon said...

Hi Ladies who Lunch-very you, I agree!!

Anonymous said...

So bright and colorful, I'd have a very difficult time pickin' just one. :)

Sharon said...

Hi LaMimi-I would wear black accessories to tone it down, or nude colour sandals in the summer!

Anny said...

These are lovely but you can't pull them off with an inch of body fat :O

Make Do Style said...

I want the first two for definite!! You teaser!

Shes Dressing Up said...

Ahhh pink! I love the Vivienne Westwood one!

Winnie said...

Oh I love the Marc Jacobs one. Would be a bit long on me but shortened, it would look awesome. The Catherine Malandrino reminds me of Susie Bubble's pom pom DIY tops!

Marian said...

Sweet S,the McQueen pink is such a hottie! oh and i do love the shape of V.Westwoods too!love love love her cuts!Malandrino's pieces always have the most chic detailing.
happy wknd!
muah x

Sharon said...

Hi Anny-I know what you mean my dear!!

Hi Kate-ditto, these are my favourites too!

Hi Nic-yes, gorgeous indeed!

Hi Winnie-yes, the CM one is certainly inspirational if you want to do a diy job!!

Hi marian-yes, I'm swooning over these to ease me through, LOL! Have a lovely weekend too!

Strawberry Fields said...

thank you! i was hoping to get a men's shirt as topman have some ace ones this season.

all the dresses are so lovely, i love wearing bright colours. i think the second westwood one is my favourite though xxx

Sharon said...

Hi Strawberry fields-thanks my dear, hope you find your shirt too!

Cate said...

Hi Sharon!
Thank you really much for putting forward your clothes combination! I didn't know that my clothes could make up such a cool combination!

Anonymous said...

I like all of them, even though pink is really not my color. If it's a fuschia its doable.

Seeker said...

I love them all, dear.
What a great colour!!! Nice that it will be a trend for S/S.

Have a great weekend, darling.


Sharon said...

Hi Cate-soo welcome my dear!

Hi budget chic-me too, I love them, but not sure if I'd wear a dress in one block colour!

Hi the seeker-yes, they are lovely!

Unknown said...

This shade of fuschia is one of my all-time favorites! I just got a pretty t-shirt in this shade for summer.

I adore the Vivienne Westwood dress!

Sharon said...

Hi there-I agree, its a gorgeous colour!!

{Tara} said...

Hi there! I was also recently drooling over these pink beauties on net-a-porter! The V. Westwood seems so sexy, yet flattering!

Fashion Moment said...

I just discovered you blog, thanks to Couture Carrie.
Really lovely! I added you on FM Red Carpet, welcome!


Sharon said...

Hi Tara-yes, I really love the Vivienne Westwood one too, totally gorgeous!

Hi fashion moment-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!

CHIC Sensibility... said...

I love it. I'm so into pink.
Stay chic!

Emy Augustus said...

lovin the puff sleeves on that sweater

Anonymous said...

that vivienne westwood dress is just to die for, isn't it? I am really craving it...

Sharon said...

Hi Chic Sensibility, Yvonne and Tanya-thanks for your lovely comments ladies!


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