
Thrift Inspiration, doing it Sass & Bide Style!

It was a good day for thrifting on Saturday, as in the last shop I went in-the British Red Cross, I came across some Sass & Bide skinny jeans. With over a dozen pairs in my wardrobe already, I obviously didn't need another, but when they fit like a glove I couldn't say no for £3.99!!

Sass & Bide jeans, Net-A-Porter, £132

Sass & Bide jeans, British Red Cross Charity shop, £3.99

Now thats what I call a bargain!!!


Marian said...

girl that is a yummy bargain! they do some great jeans so yay for this thrifted pair! cant wait to see it on you honey.

AsianCajuns said...

Wow! What a success! The thrift stores around here aren't anything compared to yours. A girl can never have too many jeans - especially when they fit so well and are so cheap!

shopinchic said...

Like me, I cannot say no to a bargain! Heck when it comes to
good deals, I might be a little
inclined to spend extra. I like
to stock up sometimes:)

yiqin; said...

Great deal! Why don't I come across bargains like this?! Urgh

ellie said...

Lov'n thos last pair of jeans..what a steal indeed. Great stuff. Thank you so much for the note too. I love that you post things like this.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sharon!
Thanks for replying to my comment. I did search on google before, but didn't come across a good DIY instruction, so I'm still a bit apprehensive to do it, as I think I might end up ruining the jeans.
This jeans that you picked up are awesome! Loves it! :)

www.janetteria.com said...

Great bargain! I die for it!

xoxo: Janet

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for your lovely comments, always much appreciated.

La Mimi, I would suggest using a pair of jeans that you don't mind losing, if it comes to it, or buy a cheap pair thrifting as your experiment piece.

Skye said...

You'd be hard pressed to find a pair of Sass & Bide for that price in an aussie op-shop (although we get the sample sales so that balances it out) - super score!

Sharon said...

Hi Skye-thanks my dear, I love getting designer jeans for next to nothing, as I know I wouldn't part with 3 figures for a pair!!

María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

I wanna be there!!!! wonderful bargain again

paanie said...

you can never have too many jeans!

www.janetteria.com said...

New award : receive it with love, what you find it on my blog (newest post) :)

xoxo: Janet

ellie said...

Thanks so much for the note. Jeans..always a favorite in the wardrobe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon, I'm just wondering if you have any charity shop shopping tips that you'd care to share with me...I love looking in charity shops but I often buy things that I don't wear and get full use out of.

Anonymous said...

I'll say it's a bargain! How could you have passed those up? You chose wisely.

WendyB said...

For that price, it would be wrong not to have them.

Sharon said...

Hi everybody-thanks for the fabulous comments and Emma, I've replied on your blog to your question!!

Anonymous said...

Read more about British Red Cross charity shops on www.redcross.org.uk/redcrossshops

Anonymous said...

sooo...envious...now.... :-)

Unknown said...

OMG that's the bargain of the year!! ^_^

And no need to apologize about having a lot of jeans ... you can *never* have too many jeans or shoes (and probably never too many handbags either, tee hee!)

Anonymous said...

you always find the best things!

Anonymous said...

p.s check my site out for your award, darling! :-)

Cal said...

huh, i don't know sass and bide! i feel so out of the loop!!!

Winnie said...

I don't know how you do it, you have the best charity shops by you!! I have about 10 on my local high street and I've not found one single thing but just loads of eastex/windsmoor cast offs. Lucky Lucky!

MakeupByRenRen said...

wow, great deal!

Mónica said...

the first pair of jeans look so cool!

Seeker said...

Indeed you're the queen of triffting.
Great bargain for great jeans!!!



That bargain is indeed beyond incredible!! =]

La C.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such lovely comments, thanks very much indeed!


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