
Kate Moss dress-Ossie Inspired?

This is one of Kate Moss's new 'vintage inspired' dresses, just launched yesterday on Topshops website. Kate is an avid fan of vintage and has her own extensive collection.

I wonder if this Ossie Clark for Radley dress of mine could have been behind her inspiration for this dress?

I'm happy that mine is the real deal-vintage, that is!!


WendyB said...

The Ossie print is MUCH nicer.

Tricia said...

whoa, i think you've definitely outed kate here! and i'm happy you've got the real deal, too.

paanie said...

oooh. that dress looks lovely on you!

Marian said...

your dress is gorgeous honey and the Kate moss one looks super similar that it probably was the inspiration behind the dress!
muah x

Anonymous said...

i like yours better!

Anonymous said...

Your dress is better - and it suits you perfectly :).

MissAmy said...

Lucky you! And what a great fit on you! XOXO, MissAmy

Unknown said...

Very "inspired" by yours, no doubt. Yours is much nicer, looks fabulous on you. The Kate Moss team are having to be much more careful about where they pinch things from nowadays, after the Bus Stop debacle, but we vinties know exactly where they're from ;)

Winnie said...

Wow they're very similar! I do prefer yours though. It's so gorgeous!

www.janetteria.com said...

YAY! They are very similar and U are the best. Lucky lady!

Have a great weekend, darling!

La Mimi said...

OH my GOD! you gotta be kidding? the dress looks identical! hahaha
and it looks lovely on you :)
Have a fab weekend darling:)

Style At Every Age said...

SR - your dress is fab, gone on tell us where you got it! I get really pissed off with Kates collections for Topshop, as it is common knowledge she doesn't design it, most of it is copied and it is overpriced (oh and too young for me).

Eri said...

Most definetely it was copied from yours!
You are lucky having the real deal, which looks fabulous and suits you very well.
A total keeper!

saray said...

wow looks almost the same.. buy i like yours better

Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

wow, those dress look indentical. I love it on you, beautiful!


Saver Queen said...

Oh my God, that is amazing! So pretty. And it fits you so well!

Angela said...

i can see the similarity but i think your dress is nicer.

Ane said...

great find!

Couture Carrie said...

There is quite a similarity ~ your dress is lovely!


Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all your lovely comments, as always they are much appreciated!!

Make Do Style said...

Yep she's been copying you.
Don't forget we need to arrange meet soon ref your birthday! I'll be free after 3rd June...

Seeker said...

Oh my dear, but of course she copied your beautiful and nicer vintage dress, in which you look gorgeous!!!!

Hope you're having a great weekend


Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for stopping by!

Reena Rai said...

Haha, how cheeky of her! Your dress is SO much better though

Jennie said...

You look absolutely fabulous in that dress! I so much prefer yours to the copy-Kate one...

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much!!

budget chic said...

oh my goodness, that Kate Moss inspired dress is a dead ring for the Ossie Clark. But you are lucky you got the real deal and I know you got it for steal too!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-so kind, thanks!!


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