
Change of Direction for Me!!

I must firstly apologise, as during March I announced I was going to open an Etsy store, which was my full intentions at the time. I also did actually commit to doing my first Vintage Fashion Fair on 17 April and because I didn't know how well it would go for me and because I'd announced the still unopened Etsy store, I stayed quiet!!

However, the event for me was fairly successful-it was the day of the London Marathon and Camden Town tube station was shut in the afternoon. The Fair wasn't as busy as it normally is, but fellow stallholders and the organiser said generally the amount of people through the door was only half of what it generally is.

Hubby helped out and for our first go, we had a really lovely time and I did make a few sales. The end of the day came too quickly and I quickly made sure the organiser signed me up for my place on May 8th-this Sunday!

So apologies to those awaiting my Etsy store, I have decided that doing Vintage Fashion Fairs is where my short term (maybe even long term!) future lays-it is such a lovely day out and there is such a wonderful, welcoming atmosphere and has a very genteel and 'time gone by' feel to it!!

I am at the Vintage Fashion Fair in Primrose Hill, anyone who is interested in visiting, here is the link to their website and you can apply for free tickets too!!


Ofelia said...

I think that this is a better idea because you be able to establish a more direct and personal relationship with you buyers than an online store.
You will do great and just wish I could be there for one of those fairs!

stylenuggets said...

Sounds like a good plan. I'm sure it will do well

Vix said...

Good for you! You are such a warm and lovely lady I'm sure you will sell loads just by flashing that glorious smile at everyone. xxx

Perdita Tinsel said...

Oh I've been to that fair before! It's lovely- I got a tweed jacket last time.

Please may I? said...

Sounds like a great idea. Looks like you had fun an enjoyed it too which is what its all about, oh and making a few extra pennies o course.

Good luck for Sunday, if I were closer I would have come down to support. (not that you need it!)

X x

Veshoevius said...

Your stall looks great! Sounds like doing the fairs is fun too. All the best with it!

hippyatheart said...

really a great idea. I think the contact with real life persons makes it much more attractive.

Rachel - Firebird said...

Congratulations! I'd love to do a fair but I am far too nervous. It must be lovely to get all that interaction though

Ella said...

Your stall looks brilliant! I also sell at stalls sometime and its a great way to meet some lovely like minded people. Best of luck for your next one too! x

Claire said...

How exciting! I go to this fair quite a bit so maybe next time I'll see you there... :)

Carol said...

Such a good idea, I had never thought of doing that. I am finding having an online shop tough - maybe this is something I need to consider?

Carol x

Belle de Ville said...

Congratulations and good luck on your vintage fashion venture!!!

FairyFiligree said...

Good luck dear! I was wondering what you were up to! Pity I'm not close by. Been to Primrose Hill once & I loved it. take care...

Haute World said...

What a great looking stall! I can imagine fairs to be more fun and personal than merely selling things online, so I don't blame you! Hopefully I'll make it to one of the fairs you'll be at soon.

CameronPoe2409 said...

How exciting! I'm sure that you'll get repeat customers at any fair you attend. xx

Winnie said...

Ooh your stall looks awesome and I'm so happy to read that it went well in the end!

elegancemaison said...

Welcome to the world of vintage fairs! I was wondering what had happened to the Etsy shop, but with your special hoard of vintage clothes, you are bound to do well at fairs. I so agree that it's so much more fun ( though harder work) to interact face to face with all the lovely buyers and fellow sellers. And you can't go wrong with that ace salesman you have for a hubby! With all best wishes for your continued success, Cx.

Kezzie said...

Well done on your first vintage fair!! Sounds great! Love that little cropped fur jacket! Looks lovely! Hmmmm, wondering if I can make it to Primrose hill...

vint junky said...

Doing the fairs sounds amazing hon. You don't get that level of interaction selling online.
I loved my ebay/etsy selling days but it's a lonely little job too, and i missed all the craic and company.

Best of luck with this hon

Smashingbird said...

Good luck for the next one hun!

Make Do Style said...

Wow - that is fab. I have applied for free tickets and I will make every effort to come!!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I think that's a great idea! The interaction will be much more fun. As Vix said people will buy from you as you look so smiley and lovely. I know you'll do well xx

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

You go girl! Good luck for this Sunday, I hope you do marvellously xx

Anonymous said...

Love the jacket you're wearing!


SabinePsynopsis said...

This is so exciting, Sharon. I really want to come to one of the fairs where you are selling your lovely vintage clothes. Will you give us updates where you are going to sell, please?

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Good Luck! V pleased for you. Lots of love and luck x


Caroline said...

Best of luck, Sharon, with this new venture - it sounds great fun x

Rebecca said...

Your booth looks lovely - and you IN the booth is the best advertisement for vintage clothing! You look wonderful.

Good luck this weekend, Sharon.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thank you so much for all your well wishes and lovely comments, as always they are much appreciated xxx

Kezzie said...

Hi, am so sorry, I meant to come to the fair this afternoon but I ended up with a whole mass of marking and practice to do so I decided I daren't go up to London as I'd probably not get any of it done, but I hope it went well and will try to make it to the next one!

Pearl Westwood said...

Glad this is working out for you, wow I love the fur jacket and the shirt on the mannequin is amazing - maybe you could do a little etsy too if you have the time. I find it really easy, once you have things listed then you pretty much leave it to its own devices! Best of luck in what ever direction you choose x


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