aah birthdays! a hug for you!! mwah! ur so lucky to have wonderful sons! :) and another bag sharon! haha! ur a mean mean temptress (and i mean it in a good way!!)
Happy Birthday!!! Another stylish year, dear! The soundtrack is very sweet and that patent Ombre Bowling Bag is awesome! The buckle looks superb! And the magazine - 2 of my favourite glossy magazines! Enjoy! You look FABUUUUUUUUULOUSSSSSSS!!!
Buon Compleanno, Happy birthday Sharon! Sorry i'm in late, yesterday i was too busy and i hasn't got the time. Hope your special day has been perfect and beautiful as you are! You got beautiful gifts nd i love your patent ombre bowling bag, so Prada style. We are both gemini, my birthday will be june18th. Hugs.
I have to buy Sex and the city soundtrack :)
Yes-the tracks are fabulous!!
Congratulations! Perfect gifts. Hope you have great day with lots of fun!!!Love Silje
Thanks so much Silje, thats lovely-you're next now!!
I loooove the sound track - India Arie has such a great voice , nice bag btw! :) politicalspeakspace.blogspot.com x
Happy Birthday! Nice bag!
Happy Birthday, dearest Sharon! Wishing you lots of love, happiness, fashion and style in your life! Have a great time celebrating:)
Happy Birthday, and I hope you find something fabulous when you go birthday shopping.
Happy Birthday tooooo youuuuuuuu (good job you can't hear my atrocious singing via the net!)....have a lovely day!
Happy Birthday. Love the handbag!
Wishing you lots of great treaures and splendid bargains.
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!
happy birthday! enjoy it. that's a lovely bag, by the way!
aah birthdays! a hug for you!! mwah! ur so lucky to have wonderful sons! :) and another bag sharon! haha! ur a mean mean temptress (and i mean it in a good way!!)
Nice gifts!:)
Hi owner of this space-thanks so much for your comment and thanks for stopping by my blog!! I've added you to my list!!
Hi ladies who lunch-thanks so much!!
Hi Ida-thanks so much, thats really kind of you :-)
Hi aulden-thanks so much for your comment and for stopping by my blog!!
Ha ha, Ms peelpants-I think you came thru my speakers-thanks very much!!
Hi ellie-thats lovely-thanks so much!!
Hi wendy-you're lovely-thanks so much too!
Hi karima-thanks a lot-yet another bag-ha ha!!
Hi pammish!! You're so lovely-thanks a lot!!
Hi marte-yet another bag-but it is really lovely-thanks!!
I am so jealous! The songs on SATC are so amazing! It has been so long since I have bought an album!
Hi yiqin-yes, its a fabulous album-I do recommend it!!
Happy Birthday!!! The soundtrack is really nice indeed!
Hi alicepleasance-thanks very much-Yes, I love it!!
Congrats sweetie! I am listening to that soundtrack ;) and what a lovely bag you got!
why, happy birthday! & many more. :]
Happy Birthday! Yet another year of fabulous-ness!
Happy Birthday!!! Another stylish year, dear! The soundtrack is very sweet and that patent Ombre Bowling Bag is awesome! The buckle looks superb! And the magazine - 2 of my favourite glossy magazines! Enjoy! You look FABUUUUUUUUULOUSSSSSSS!!!
lots of lots of love and kisses xx
Hi ladybird-thats lovely-thanks so much!!
Hi apricot-so kind-thanks!!
Hi mikkle-yes to that-thanks!!
Hi times of glory-thats really lovely of you-thanks so much!!
Happy Belated Birthday Sharon!! Sorry I missed it but I hope you had a great day with many, many more to come! :D
Hi Danz-thanks very much-thats lovely of you!!
Buon Compleanno, Happy birthday Sharon!
Sorry i'm in late, yesterday i was too busy and i hasn't got the time.
Hope your special day has been perfect and beautiful as you are! You got beautiful gifts nd i love your patent ombre bowling bag, so Prada style.
We are both gemini, my birthday will be june18th.
thanks for your comment, always with the sweet comments! xx
Hi alice-you are such a sweetie-thanks so much and have a lovely weekend!!
Hi fashion chalet-you're lovely!!
Oh Happy Birthday - have a lovely time in Bruges - it is gorgeous like you!
Hi kate-thats so lovely of you-thanks very much!!
Happy Birthday!
Hi aziza-thanks so much!!
Bon anniversaire!!!!! :)
I LOVE the SATC soundtrack. India Arie's song - my favvvvourite :D
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