
That Time of Year again.......!

Another year older!

I got the Sex and the City soundtrack-yay!!
And some money-euros as I'm going to Bruges next Saturday!!

A new Patent Ombre Bowling Bag!
More reading material for later-ha ha!!


Mira said...

I have to buy Sex and the city soundtrack :)

Sharon said...

Yes-the tracks are fabulous!!

Siljesfashion said...

Congratulations! Perfect gifts. Hope you have great day with lots of fun!!!Love Silje

Sharon said...

Thanks so much Silje, thats lovely-you're next now!!

Fashionably collaborative thought box said...

I loooove the sound track - India Arie has such a great voice , nice bag btw! :) politicalspeakspace.blogspot.com x

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Nice bag!

Ida said...

Happy Birthday, dearest Sharon! Wishing you lots of love, happiness, fashion and style in your life! Have a great time celebrating:)

Slave Queen said...

Happy Birthday, and I hope you find something fabulous when you go birthday shopping.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday tooooo youuuuuuuu (good job you can't hear my atrocious singing via the net!)....have a lovely day!

ellie said...

Happy Birthday. Love the handbag!

Wishing you lots of great treaures and splendid bargains.

WendyB said...

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!

Cadmium said...

happy birthday! enjoy it. that's a lovely bag, by the way!

Pamela Tan said...

aah birthdays! a hug for you!! mwah! ur so lucky to have wonderful sons! :) and another bag sharon! haha! ur a mean mean temptress (and i mean it in a good way!!)

Marte said...

Nice gifts!:)

Sharon said...

Hi owner of this space-thanks so much for your comment and thanks for stopping by my blog!! I've added you to my list!!

Hi ladies who lunch-thanks so much!!

Hi Ida-thanks so much, thats really kind of you :-)

Hi aulden-thanks so much for your comment and for stopping by my blog!!

Ha ha, Ms peelpants-I think you came thru my speakers-thanks very much!!

Hi ellie-thats lovely-thanks so much!!

Hi wendy-you're lovely-thanks so much too!

Hi karima-thanks a lot-yet another bag-ha ha!!

Hi pammish!! You're so lovely-thanks a lot!!

Sharon said...

Hi marte-yet another bag-but it is really lovely-thanks!!

yiqin; said...

I am so jealous! The songs on SATC are so amazing! It has been so long since I have bought an album!

Sharon said...

Hi yiqin-yes, its a fabulous album-I do recommend it!!

AlicePleasance said...

Happy Birthday!!! The soundtrack is really nice indeed!

Sharon said...

Hi alicepleasance-thanks very much-Yes, I love it!!

Ladybird said...

Congrats sweetie! I am listening to that soundtrack ;) and what a lovely bag you got!

Anonymous said...

why, happy birthday! & many more. :]

Mikkle said...

Happy Birthday! Yet another year of fabulous-ness!

Times of Glory said...

Happy Birthday!!! Another stylish year, dear! The soundtrack is very sweet and that patent Ombre Bowling Bag is awesome! The buckle looks superb! And the magazine - 2 of my favourite glossy magazines! Enjoy! You look FABUUUUUUUUULOUSSSSSSS!!!

lots of lots of love and kisses xx

Sharon said...

Hi ladybird-thats lovely-thanks so much!!

Hi apricot-so kind-thanks!!

Hi mikkle-yes to that-thanks!!

Hi times of glory-thats really lovely of you-thanks so much!!

Danz said...

Happy Belated Birthday Sharon!! Sorry I missed it but I hope you had a great day with many, many more to come! :D

Sharon said...

Hi Danz-thanks very much-thats lovely of you!!

Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola said...

Buon Compleanno, Happy birthday Sharon!
Sorry i'm in late, yesterday i was too busy and i hasn't got the time.
Hope your special day has been perfect and beautiful as you are! You got beautiful gifts nd i love your patent ombre bowling bag, so Prada style.
We are both gemini, my birthday will be june18th.



thanks for your comment, always with the sweet comments! xx

Sharon said...

Hi alice-you are such a sweetie-thanks so much and have a lovely weekend!!

Hi fashion chalet-you're lovely!!

Make Do Style said...

Oh Happy Birthday - have a lovely time in Bruges - it is gorgeous like you!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-thats so lovely of you-thanks very much!!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...



Ariel said...

Happy Birthday!

Sharon said...

Hi aziza-thanks so much!!

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

Bon anniversaire!!!!! :)
I LOVE the SATC soundtrack. India Arie's song - my favvvvourite :D


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